ELVS, LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 27-1466467
Location: Orlando, FL, United States
Length of Operation: 11plus
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Community Sustainability, Community Education, Community Education and Advocacy for At Risk Populations
Business Plan
How do you plan to grow your business in the next 5 years? By securing single and/or multi-year grant opportunities that provide sufficient capital ($100,000/year) to acquire talent (W-2 employees and 1099 contractors) to fulfill on the scope of the project. And to assist in defraying expenses as we move forward converting potential clients into fee-based income producing clients. Scope: Small Business Training & Coaching for Growth and Sustainability Target Markets: Start-Ups, 2nd Stage Companies, and companies that have been in business 5+ years Methodology: Virtual (80%) and Live Training (20%) in the following areas • Business Leadership Training & Coaching: Soft skills - Emotional Intelligence, Time Management, Feedback & Recognition, Conflict Management, Communication Styles That Inspire, Influencing Skills, Leadership That Motivates, Succession Planning, Employee Acquisition & Retention, Impactful Presentation Skills, Team/Talent Development. • Advanced Training: Customer Service Excellence, Sale Training & Management, and Marketing. • Hard skills: P&L literacy, basic accounting/bookkeeping, MS Suite Computer Literacy. • Professional Business Coaching: 1-on-1 Project Management Success Workbook (see details in question #4 response). Why should investors invest in you? Success is highly probable in achieving outcomes due to recipient's track record of success and history of producing outstanding ROI's for clients. We have an "Above & Beyond" mindset. Below is a snapshot of the business model: Outcome: To assist small companies in the United Stated to achieve a level of success affording them the sustainability needed to be a contribution to their local communities. Including employment opportunities and being in-service to the community by providing value and an exceptional level of service and affordability for their products and/or services. ELVS, LLC Tagline: "Healthy People on a Healthy Planet" Project: "Communities First - A Small Business Success Initiative". Applicant's Snapshot of Credentials: Senior Manager for Fortune 500/1000 companies for 20 years; Small business owner for 20 years that grew their business from a start-up to doing business in 21 countries (pre-social media) in 48 months; Multi-national Certified Business Leadership Trainer and Multi-national Certified Business Coach. Elizabeth Gordon Digital CV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTAzQHajM5Y ELVS, LLC - Case Studies with SMR's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06TYomDDT6E Long range outcome: Become a $1,000,000 revenue generating business by 2030
Self Identified Competition
Tell us about your top 3 competitors (optional) • Business Incubator Programs – facilitated by private and public educational organizations • Small Business Educational Programs (SBA & SCORE) • Private & Public Sector Business Educational Programs (National Entrepreneur Centers & other for profit and non-profit organizations) What makes you different from your competitors? (optional) In many cases the above top 3 competitor’s (facilitators) do not have the alacrity or flexibility to customize programs tailored to specific emergent needs of the small business. I have found that frequently only a fixed general program of educational modules are offered as a standard. This type of model renders a two-fold negative gap in the clients ability to overcome obstacles with velocity and to achieve success on a consistent basis over time while also having to address emergent needs in present time. Additionally, these types of programs do not have an implementation component (how do I convert the education into an actionable that makes a difference for my company). Secondly, I have found that in some cases, the facilitators of these types of programs lack the overall experience of being business owners. And, the mindset (stated simply) is not comparable regarding pressures and stressors that occur daily as a business owner vs being an employee that can impact the business owner's decision making skills. A clear example: Many business owners take out loans and second mortgages to start, build, and/or sustain their business. Whereas, being an employee (only) does not have that type of financial pressure to contend with on a daily basis. Lastly, our programs can be tailored in a variety of ways to be emergent and needs-specific based on our clients requirements for short/mid-range/long term goals. When the Training Program is combined with our Coaching Program, we actually support the implementation of the learning into actionable weekly activities. Thus affording the business owner through our Project Management Workbook (one of many instruments we deploy) practical and proven strategies for implementation that include: Outcomes, Actions to Achieve Outcomes, Specific Measurable Result Metrics, and a Reflection section that offers a self rating system for achievement and implementation of kaizen (doing things better everyday). We also include deep-dive 1-on-1 coaching sessions to properly reframe our client's past based mindsets that are barriers to their success. The latter 3 features mentioned above are virtually unheard of with our top 3 competitors.
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