U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 16, 2024, 7:10 pm UTC

New Granite Corp New Granite Corp | Government Grant Application

New Granite Corp | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: New Granite Corp

    Location: EAST FREETOWN, MA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k

    Annual Gross Expense: $250k to $500k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    This fund amount would allow us to pay off some of these loans we originally made and invest in another garage build for inventory storage. Allowing us to buy inventory in a better price, have more varies of material in house allowing to close a faster sale and offering our partner better options.

  • Business Plan

    By partnering with more kitchen and bath developers, how to succeed we need to be able to offer a competitive price and to offer a competitive price we need to be able to buy larger quantities, which we can't afford now. Because we take pride in what we do and want to offer our customers and partners the best in experience when working with us. When my husband and I decided to open this business, were not with the solely intention of making money and get rich, we wanted to show, how is possible to have this done in most affective way as possible. We value the customer service we provide and the quality of the work we deliver. My husband has over 14 years of experience doing this working for the same company. We first started the business only doing the sale and installation and it grew from mouth to mouth referral. Until the moment we saw that it was an opportunity here to combined his expertise on the field with administrative skills and grow the company. But as you know, a company needs more than hard work and expertise to grow and advance.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our top 3 competitors are companies that have been in the market for decades and have been to seal yearly contracts with most of the kitchen & bath developers in the area. they are able to offer a better price than us for sure. Not necessarily better quality in service. However, when looking to approach a partnership, most companies prioritize their profit and that is where we are at a disadvantage, even though we can offer a faster turnaround time and better quality in our service, we can't yet offer the price they want that is compared to these companies offers. We are eager to grow, and to do that we know that we have to give the best we have. From my relationship with my distributors to the final detail in the installation process, we do it every time knowing we have no room to fail. Being small and ones directly dealing with the customer allows us to do that, versus, other companies can't. A lot of time customers close to us, even though our price may be high to the competitors because of the attention we give them during the project process, we treat them as if they matter and are not just like a number.

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