U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 16, 2024, 7:20 pm UTC

Next Level Tennis And Education 83-1210312 | Government Grant Application

Next Level Tennis And Education | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 83-1210312

    Location: Washington, DC, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    The funding would be used to go into a new elementary DC public school and continue the work in a DC public charter middle school that is already in our program. The 2 schools cannot afford to pay for tennis but the administrators have been asking us to return and to please come and introduce tennis to their students.

  • Business Plan

    In the next 5 years the plan to grow Next Level Tennis And Education (NLTE), to add 10 additional schools to the program. Also, to expand our after-school program on public tennis courts off of school campuses. Each year our programs have grown in student sizes and income bought in by at least 10%. Investors should want to invest in NLTE if they want to lower the crime rate in underserved communities and give the students in those neighborhoods hope of becoming a productive citizen. We currently are focused on recruiting 10 and under students, because we feel at those ages we can make the most difference in their lives for a longer period of time. Our Executive Director, has over 30 years experience in this field and working with this demographic. The students who have been in his programs have gone on to become; doctors, lawyers, collegiate coaches, business owners and board members of prestigious companies. Under his leadership we are seeing the same results with NLTE students. Their parents are writing letters of support in favor of more NLTE programs because they see the changes in their children’s lives daily. Please visit our website and click “What they are saying about NLTE”, to read about our current progress in the community.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our top 3 competitors all have major tennis centers in the area and constantly receive millions of dollars to back their programs. Our Executive Director has worked with all 3 for a short period of time. He left all 3 because he realized that none of them are serious about making a difference in the communities they serve. They have beautiful facilities and know how to fundraise. 2 of them are located in the heart of 2 underserved communities where the highest crime rates are. We have 2 schools in those areas who are asking us to come to them and return to them with our brand of tennis instruction. The elementary school principal who is requesting our services had one of these organizations come to do after school tennis in his school. He was so disappointed that he is vowing never to have them come back and is only interested in NLTE’s programming for his school. What makes NLTE different from other organizations is that we care about our students. The students can tell that we care and are genuinely concerned about their lives on and off the court. Our lessons are fun, challenging and competitive, making them very rewarding to each student.

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