Alki Arts | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: Alki Arts
Location: Seattle, WA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
We would like to use the funding to ensure that we can pay our rent and utilities through the winter months while still hosting community art shows, live music, participating in the West Seattle Artwalk, letting local artisans have small 'pop up' shows without charging our guests for use of the space. We have created a community arts hub and safe space for neighbors and especially senior citizens to enjoy community and the arts, but our profits are sometimes extremely slim.
Business Plan
We plan on thriving as new neighboring businesses move in and our area of the Morgan Junction becomes more of a shopping destination. Plus as more shoppers learn that we are here through word of mouth, social media, advertising, we will get more customers. We offer affordable original art by local working artists and our customers often exclaim 'we didn't even realize you were here!' So if we can just hang in there a bit longer, we will gain recognition. We offer our space at no charge to non profits and community groups for their meetings & events, so the more groups that avail themselves of our space, the more well known our gallery will be. Alki Arts is the best of what a neighborhood business district has to offer- a safe 'Third Place' - not work, not home, but a welcoming space anyone can enter to view art, listen to live music, meet with friends, hold meetings, or have small pop up shows. We give West Seattle neighbors a place to gather that is wholesome & edifying. There is no cost to enter and attend events, yet we are a 'for profit' business and if sales are low (which they are some months) then we are in jeopardy. We are looking for a bit of a 'safety net' or cushion to ensure we can stay open through the winter and help this Morgan Junction neighborhood continue to thrive.
Self Identified Competition
We have no competitors in the area. But art is a luxury item, and not an easy sale in uncertain times. The artists we show depend on galleries, and the musicians we hire at least 3 times a month depend on we are an important part of the arts 'food chain' is a hard to survive in, but essential business. We are not a 'non profit' like many arts organization- We are a small woman owned business just trying to stay modestly profitable, while supporting the local arts scene and the neighborhood.
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