Southern KY Affordable Heat & Air | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: Southern KY Affordable Heat & Air
Location: Franklin, KY, United States
Length of Operation: 23
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
we plan on using this money for cash flow in a time of need as the covid-19 has our company struggling right now
Business Plan
we plan on doing more commercial jobs around the area, as we specialize in dollar general stores. so installing more of those would be great. i believe investors should invest in our company because we are a small business trying to provide people in our area and all over the small business family ran experience. we want to give people the comfort of dealing with a smaller company but also getting great work
Self Identified Competition
our top competitors would probably be the local business around us in this area the difference in our company and our competitors would be that we try to work with our customers with pricing and all other needs. we are a small company but will do everything we can to help the customer with cost
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