General Information
Business Registration Number: 83-0653140
Location: FONTANA, CA, United States
Length of Operation: 6-10
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Assist in paying for operating expenses to a level that will cover major cost like travel, hotel and marketing expenses. create an aggressive marketing campaign, hire part-time support, Travel secured payments (commissions) are not received until the travel is accomplished, which take up to a year or longer on average.
Business Plan
Extend areas of travel opportunities worldwide, provide travel opportunities beyond individual and small groups, include corporate level travel opportunities to churches, large businesses and fundraising groups. Increase purchase incentives, open a brick-and-mortar location in high traffic area, Retired military communications manager and experienced world traveler. Support local community with fair priced travel opportunities. Assist in setting an example for young minded individuals to consider small business as a way to advance support for self and a way to work through community adversities where opportunities are limited. Assistance will support a Veteran who has provided life support assistance to others in need.
Self Identified Competition
Large travel agencies, i.e. AAA, Costco, and travel clubs Home based travel advisors Military and corporate level travel offered through affiliations -My business is offered as a small travel related franchise seeking to provide personal, direct and inexpensive travel opportunities to individuals and groups often overlooked by larger agencies. -As a Veteran, my shared views of travel experiences assist in opening the mindset of others who often do not receive similar perspectives from larger agencies. -Person to person interaction as the "guy next door" instead of a corporate image often overlooking the little guy in the small business world showing alternative opportunities in the community at a personal level.
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