BLAQUE Etiquette LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 86-2601396
Location: Laurens, SC, United States
Length of Operation: Just starting
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
To be honest, (1) The funding will go towards paying graphic designers, and mass producing a variety of outfits that I have samples of. (2) The funds will also go towards the construction of a mobile app, in order to ensure that everyone has access to the clothing. (3) The funds will also go towards purchasing equipment to be able to hire people to make the clothing at a cheaper cost. (4) The funds will go towards getting a permanent headquarters for my clothing line as well. There are many other ideas that the funds will go towards, such as giving children who are sponsored by my clothing company, the chance to attend sports camps, and beauty pageants, as well as Tv auditions for children’s roles on Television. My clothing company and brand is looking to change the dynamic of clothing.
Business Plan
In the next 5 years I plan to grow my clothing line to the point where I will have a distribution deal with stores to stock my clothing. I plan to create jobs and opportunity for children to be employed by my company, as a means of keeping them away from violence and any other situation that will get them in trouble. Investors should invest because at BLAQUE Etiquette LLC we believe that BLAQUE Etiquette is more than a brand. It is a way of life. We Believe that anyone can aspire to BE whatever they want to be. As long as you BELIEVE in LIFE and ACHIEVING QUALITY and UNITY in EVERYTHING. Everything that we stand for as a company, is the belief that WE as people have the potential to BE great. With the help of investors, BLAQUE Etiquette would not only be able to create a clothing line, we would be able to create opportunities for people in the community and around the world who would not normally be able to afford those opportunities.
Self Identified Competition
At BLAQUE Etiquette, we only see ourselves as competition and motivation to succeed and thrive for success. Even though this company is a new company, it is a brand that has the potential to be a global brand. What makes me different for my other competitors is that BLAQUE Etiquette cares about the community and the people of the community. This clothing line is looking to build a global brand that will create and instill confidence in anyone. We are looking to be able to give back to as many people that we can, through employing and reaching people that we normally would never come in contact with on a day to day basis.
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