FUSION SEALERS INC | Application Preview
Fusion Sealers Inc. is seeking government funding to pay off accumulated debt, optimize advertising costs by hiring a Google Ads Specialist, and consult a business expert to increase profitability. Depending on the grant amount, the company aims to expand into major auto parts stores. Despite having a superior product, financial limitations have prevented broader distribution.
Their business strategy focuses on increasing retail presence, selling through Amazon, and reducing monthly expenses. Additionally, their DBA, iFixit PC Repair, wants to establish a system where customers from across the country can mail in their devices for repair.
The company argues for funding approval by emphasizing the high effectiveness and affordability of its product. They claim its reliability prevents customers from spending thousands on traditional repairs. Although the business expected to grow through profits, economic conditions since the Biden administration took office have negatively impacted sales and expansion plans.
Fusion Sealers Inc. claims superiority over competitors BlueDevil, Steel-Seal, and K-Seal, stating that those brands rely on outdated formulas unsuitable for modern aluminum engines. Their product, built to withstand temperature changes in newer engines, boasts a 98% success rate and a 5-7 year lifespan when used correctly. Unlike competitors, their customer support is staffed by real mechanics rather than commission-based agents.
For their DBA, iFixit PC Repair, they highlight their industry leadership in customer ratings, their exclusive micro-soldering capabilities, and their ability to provide house calls across three states. They also note their success in repairing devices that other shops deemed unfixable.
Overall, the company sees massive growth potential but lacks the capital to execute its strategy, making this grant essential for its future expansion.
General Information
Business Registration Number: 18121339
Location: Blairsville, GA, United States
Length of Operation: 6-10
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
The funding is needed to completely pay off accumulated debt, to temporarily hire a Google Ads Specialist to help our advertising strategy become more efficient and less costly per month, and to hire a business consultant to help both companies become more profitable with the possibility of getting FUSION SEALERS INC products in Auto Part Stores depending on the amount given in the grant. FUSION SEALERS INC has the best product out in its field but has never had the capital to get into stores, and if that can happen, it would be the best thing for the business.
Business Plan
The product being in brick and mortar stores will sell more units and get the name to be as recognized as the top brands in its field. Our business' products need to be sold on AMAZON as well. At the moment, it's only sold from its own website. The business needs lower expenses per month, with less expenses in advertising as a minimum. As far as the DBA, iFixit PC Repair, We want to employ a system for potential customers from all over the country to ship their tech devices to us to fix, once done, we collect payment through our website and ship it back to them. FUSION SEALERS INC product is hands down the best in it's industry. It offers customers an affordable and ultra-reliable way to fix an issue that would normally cost thousands and thousands of dollars to repair. The product has proved effective since the establishment of the business which was over 8 years ago. The business has a huge potential for growth, and a strategy to grow but not the capital to do so. It was assumed that after a few years, the capital to grow would be from profits of the business. However, since the Biden administration took office, sales and projected sales went down lower than expected and has delayed or even completely held off the businesses ability to grow.
Self Identified Competition
Our top 3 competitors, BlueDevil, Steel-Seal, and K-Seal, use an outdated formula that is not compatible with the aluminum engines most commonly found on newer vehicles. Most engines built after 1990 are composed of some amount of aluminum. The main ingredient found in our competitors product is known to "crack off" of aluminum as aluminum expands and contracts with different temperatures. Their main ingredient will then clog different parts of an engine. Their products are unlikely to work, and if it does, will typically not last more than a few days. As far as the DBA, on multiple occasions, customers have brought in their devices to other fix shops only to be told it wasn't able to be fixed, they then bring the item to us for a second opinion and solved the issue. We have also heard complaints about other repair shops in the area directly from our customers that got tired of dealing with them. Our product is the only one available that is able to flex with the aluminum engines of today and because of this, it is able to last for 5-7 Years when used correctly. Our success rate (98%) and Warranty is also the best in the industry. When you call our Tech Dept., you speak to real mechanics that have experience with our product and also competitor products. These mechanics do not work off of commission and are available from 10AM-6PM E.S.T. Monday-Saturday. As far as the DBA, iFixit PC Repair has the highest ratings and reviews in the area and is the only one that is able to do house-calls and on-site services in 3 different states, we are also the only one in the area that performs micro-soldering.
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