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December 26, 2024, 10:58 am UTC

The Tal App 0450605376 | Government Grant Application

The Tal App | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 0450605376

    Location: Middletown, NJ, United States

    Length of Operation: 5 months

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    We need to fund the development of increased capabilities of the app. We also need to pay an attorney, along with an accountant.

  • Business Plan

    We plan to try to help as many people as possible. To do this we need to get a large population of people on the app. We have planned a few different way of accomplishing this: -partnering with schools, businesses, and other organizations to reach their students/employees/members -connecting with licensed therapists and psychiatrists to access their patients -press releases -marketing through online platforms Along with reaching more people, we need to continue to add new features. We have many in mind. Here are just a few of them: -live chats where people can have back and forth conversations about a certain topic -a page to connect with therapists through our app -an added phone call function to the private messaging section We are a company with a great cause, breaking into an industry which is gaining national attention right now. The mental health industry has been brought into the spotlight due to the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic. This sector needs a lot of help on the tech side and we can fill that hole.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Trill Project- Trill focuses on creating a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community to vent and receive support. The app has done well in that space and is now trying to break into the rest of the population. They have struggled mightily with this. Vent- Vent started with the right intentions in mind. It was a place for members to vent and receive guidance. They have faltered majorly recently. The app has become a major popularity contest and lost much of its value. Vent Space- Similarly, Vent Space is a supportive platform but has struggled getting off the ground. It has very little interaction as most posts do not receive comments. At Tal, our focus is entirely on making the platform as helpful to the member as possible. Some actions we have done to make this the case are: -We got rid of the toxicity that other social apps have by removing the like button and hiding the number of followers a member has. This avoids the competitive nature that other platforms have. -We created our own algorithm. We have what we call the "reverse Instagram algorithm." The worst thing that can happen on a platform like ours is someone posts looking for help, and gets no response. For this reason, Tal boosts post with little to no interaction on members' feeds. The purpose of our app is not to get lots of comments, but to gain a few meaningful ones. These meaningful comments can transfer then into private messaging. Now the member feels like they truly have someone there for them. -The way we are generating revenue is unique. We will be selling administrative rights to companies, schools, and organizations. For example, Babson College buys the right. They now receive a private room in which anyone with a email can join. This allows for members to still speak anonymously, yet be able to relate to others better as they know they are in a similar situation. This admin right allows Babson College to now post in that group as Babson College (no longer anonymous). Also we will be connecting our app to the wellness center at the school, allowing students to book appointments with the school's therapists through the app. - We have taken everything into consideration for this app. Even the wording is very purposeful. For example, we have replaced followers with supporters as we feel this has a more positive connotation. -We have a spoke to the National Suicide Hotline, and they have given us the right to immediately connect a member that posts about a potential suicide attempt with that organization. We are also in the process of securing an MOU with a regional call center of theirs.

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