Clembo Dog Training, LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 86-3736854
Location: Denver, CO, United States
Length of Operation: Officially opened in
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Continuing education (The Academy for Dog Trainers program specifically), as well as the ability to attend conferences, lectures, and mentorship opportunities.
Business Plan
I intend to extend the dog-walking portion of my business as a mentorship opportunity for aspiring dog trainers. I intend to have 5-10 employees, as well as have moved into a single family home so that I am able to do Board and Trains. I would like to be speaking at conferences nationally, as well as be able to work with other trainers/scientists on behavior research. I am a young, queer, individual with a passion for canine welfare. I place a strong emphasis in my business on community engagement, as well as stewardship of the community. I use humane, science-backed training methods and hope to extend that methodology to a greater audience.
Self Identified Competition
I don't feel that I have competitors. I work with a wide network of humane, science-based dog trainers. We help guide each other, provide insights/perspectives on cases to each other, and happily refer out to each other. I would say that those trainers who are using outdated, aversive methodologies could be considered competition - and I hope to change their minds and get them on board. I am young - the youngest professional dog trainer I've met so far. I have a wealth of knowledge and am constantly improving - I want to stay as far away from complacency as possible. I am continually working with folks to help expand my business knowledge and dog training knowledge - and I feel confident that I can extend a guarantee that we will continue to be succesful.
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