McDade Mechanical | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 7161
Location: cleburne, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 2 months
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I would use these funds to purchase equipment and tools needed to perform my daily jobs. I would also use these funds to advertise so that I can stay busy and gain more customers so that I can grow my business.
Business Plan
As I gain more customers and keep them loyal by providing them with service contracts, I will need to hire more technicians. As I begin to hire more technicians, I will begin to send them to get more training that will allow me to branch out into other aspects of my trade and provide services that most of my competitors currently do not. I have always wanted to own and operate my own business. I want to contribute to my community by providing great paying jobs and security to people in my trade so that they can in turn give their own families a better quality of life. I would also like to do the same for my family. I was recently let go from my job due to the corona virus outbreak. Instead of filing for unemployment, I would much rather pick myself up and take control of my destiny and do something for myself and my family that will hopefully ensure that we do not have to suffer this way again.
Self Identified Competition
My top 3 competitors are Ricks Plumbing, Chris's Plumbing, and Curlys Big Blade Rooter Plumbing. These companies do well in my area because there are very few companies to choose from. They do not offer their customers options and their technicians are not trained and have the knowledge or certifications that I have. I hold a Master Plumbing license. I am a certified tankless water heater installer and technician. I have extensive training in water filtration. I am able to offer my customers options that they cannot. These are things that are becoming more important as our trade progresses. I will also offer my customers service agreements, the best customer service, and warranties that will ensure that my company stands out and is the best choice when a plumber is needed.
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