I Am New Culture LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 87-1121076
Location: Greensboro, NC, United States
Length of Operation: 5 months
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
This will allow me to invest more into my advertising and brand building which will bring me more purchasing customers. I will be able to offer more merchandise with money up front to invest. I can improve my business with these funds and bring more awareness to my movement. $15,000 will give me that backing that will allow me to flourish properly in this field I am new to.
Business Plan
I plan to have my business’s merchandise loved on a national level. I will have collaborations with the likes of Ralph Lauren, allowing barriers to be removed and true excellence within ourselves be highlighted and celebrated. By the end of this year i will gross six figures. This grant will help secure this promise. I am done allowing others to tell us what excellence is! Excellence is each and every one of us. We have to get this message out to as many people as possible. The need for self love is at an all time high! I am here to let people know that the New Culture we live in, is recognizing the excellence that starts within. Once we properly acknowledge ourselves, life can be as beautiful as its intended to be. You should invest in me to help me get this message to as many people as possible. We are the New Culture. We are now.
Self Identified Competition
No one in life is in competition with me. We are all the same and can all exist without competing. Im here to give another avenue to wearing what you believe. So since Ralph is the first to reach out, i guess our “competition” is. Gucci, LV and Nike. I am the first to give people something to wear thats reminding them of the power within themselves, while still being fashionably acceptable. Once i reach enough people with this concept of living, the movement will grow inevitably.
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