U S G r a n t s . c o m
December 26, 2024, 1:04 pm UTC

Guided Professionals 843403779 | Government Grant Application

Guided Professionals | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 843403779

    Location: Omaha, NE, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I plan to use the funds to help with marketing and conference expenses. Educating myself and learning new trends in the market will greatly benefit the company. Marketing and creating content to engage potential clients will be key in gaining new clients. I also plan to take a Master Resume Writing Course so that I can better help my clients obtain careers.

  • Business Plan

    I plan to continue to educate myself and diversify my client list by traveling, networking and earning more about different industries. This helps me to be more informed so that I can staff for additional industries. I plan to branch out to other states and learn more about the government contracting side to conduct business. Taking new courses and learning more about the field will best assist me in venturing into government contracts, ultimately growing my business. I have a passion for developing individuals. My business allows me to work with my clients in a more intimate space, providing feedback, interview prep and resume assistance to those who are looking to obtain employment. My other clients, the companies rely on me to provide them quality candidates and I cannot do that without continuing to educate myself and without assistance of the community. Investors should invest in me because I am doing my part in building up my community and helping them to provide for their families and also obtain gainful and meaningful employment.

  • Self Identified Competition

    My competitors are the large staffing agencies, such as Remedy Staffing, Cornerstone Staffing or Snelling Staffing. They are much more costly than my services and from what my clients tell me, do not provide quality service but they are the larger companies, the companies people know about. They have a large office whereas I am a one person shop. They have many employees and only work for the companies, not the candidates. I am different because provide a intimate coaching service, to both sides of my clients, the company who hires me and the candidates who need me to be an advocate for them. I provide resume assistance and interview prep, preparing them for the interview with the hiring manager. I also am easily accessible, my currently clients can text me or call me and know that they will reach me. They know they can be their authentic self with me and they know they can rely on me.

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