Alabama Driving Academy | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 871221825
Location: Huntsville, AL, United States
Length of Operation: 7 months
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
We will use the funding to hire more employees, purchase more vehicles, and establish a building for teaching.
Business Plan
In the next five years, we plan to have at least 30 employees across the state of Alabama teaching classes at different schools. We plan to promote safe driving to teens and teach safety classes and DUIs to schools. Alabama has one of the poorest teen driver rates. Our goal is to make Alabama have safer roads. We teach teens how to properly drive without the overwhelming class setting. We will teach the client how to drive defensively by offering private lessons to ensure the roads of Alabama are safe.
Self Identified Competition
Madison Driving Academy Jomil Driving School Coach Walker's Driving School Our competitors are located solely in the city of Huntsville, AL. Our company covers the entire state of Alabama. We have students coming from Huntsville, AL to Mobile, AL.
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