Heart of a Giant logistics llc | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 4652388
Location: Cleveland, OH, United States
Length of Operation: 1
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
I need the grant to purchase 10 cargo vans and to purchase the insurance for the vans. I also need the grant to pay payroll and other over head expenses.
Business Plan
My plan is to subcontract with Amazon with the 10 vans initially and then subcontract with Bonnie Speed, staples, and the government as well. So within 5 years my company will be working with with multiple companies in several states generating at least over 3 million dollars. My company name is Heart Of A Giant which means it prides itself on integrity, hard work, resilience, and servicing our clients. Also, My plan is to subcontract with Amazon with the 10 vans initially and then subcontract with Bonnie Speed, staples, and the government as well. So within 5 years my company will be working with with multiple companies in several states generating at least over 3 million dollars which means the investment would be a great investment. My company will create jobs and help the economy.
Self Identified Competition
Most of my competitors are content with only partnering up with one company and they don’t desire to grow or to diversify their portfolio. My company is different because we will subcontract under various companies not only to diversify our portfolio but to stabilize the company. We look to partner with different companies because if one company goes out of business our company wouldn’t go out of business as well because we will have other business relationships.
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