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March 14, 2025, 11:15 am UTC

Nammu Games LLC 185166999 | Government Grant Application

Nammu Games LLC | Application Preview


Nammu Games LLC is seeking government funding to support the manufacturing of their initial game product and to pay remote employees and contractors for development, marketing, and sales efforts. They plan to grow by building a strong online community focused on their games and lore, continuously introducing new features and expanding into various markets, including tabletop miniatures and AR/VR experiences.

The company emphasizes its commitment to community, customization, and versatility, aiming to empower fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Their platform serves as a toolkit for users to create and enjoy games, fostering collaboration and imagination.

In terms of competition, Nammu Games identifies major players like Unreal Engine, popular board games, and Magic the Gathering, but sees an opportunity in its simpler, more approachable game design approach. Their model allows for user-generated content that enriches the community experience, setting them apart from complex development software and well-known games. Additionally, Nammu Games aims to provide a unique offering in the trading card game segment by allowing users to enjoy the aesthetic aspects without the constant financial commitment typically required. This strategy positions them to capture a diverse audience while maintaining affordability and accessibility in gaming.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 185166999

    Location: Salem, OR, United States

    Length of Operation: 0

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    About 11,000 of the funds will be needed for the manufacturing of the initial product. The rest of the funds will be for paying the remote working employees and contractors to develop, market, and sell said product.

  • Business Plan

    We plan to grow by engaging with, and cultivating a large online community to perpetuate interest in our games and lore. We will keep adding new variety to our products as well as creating bigger and better games based on the community's desires. Due to the nature of our games, we also have the potential to expand into a number of different related markets (such as table top miniatures, rarity based trading card games, luxury board games, art and stories, AR/VR, etc... ). At it's heart Nammu Games is about community, customization, and versatility. We aim to support and uplift the entire community of fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Our games serve as easy to use game creation tools that can let users play or create whatever they want. The Nammu Experience can provide board games, card games, digital games, masterful art, epic stories, and a place for people to come together to share their imaginations. All with simple and inexpensive building block components.

  • Self Identified Competition

    [Our main competitors will mostly be the crowd of other lesser known game developers like us. However, there are a few juggernauts that we will address as our main examples.] 1) Unreal Engine/Unity 3D: These are game design software's that can be used for personal projects as well as 'triple A' titles. They make use of coding, but they do have features that allow games to be made without the need for coding. 2) Household name Board Games: This includes games like Monopoly, Risk, and Catan. These are the Games that can be found just about everywhere board games are sold. They draw attention through their familiar and recognized brands. 3) Magic the Gathering: This is the predominant trading card game. It's main business is from periodically producing new sets of cards with various fantasy themes and mechanics. 1) larger game development software's focus on detailed animation and physics rather than the game mechanics themselves. This makes them complex where we are simple and more approachable. And in the case of all other game development software's, at the end of the day they're just a software. Nammu Game's software is a game in and of itself. It's a world that users explore together. Users creating their own content has an impact on the rest of the community lore. This will make the Nammu experience more fulfilling than our competition's. 2) All of the big name board games have the advantage of getting the spotlight, but most people already own the major titles that they want. Hobbyists are more likely to brows new and unknown titles for something interesting, but this leads to the battle of standing out above all others. Our games have the best of both worlds. As one example, we run off the familiarity of the most recognizable names in games such as chess and checkers, but by having 2-6 player variants we can entice customers with the new and the interesting. 3) Trading card games have the major draw back that you have to constantly pay into them to get the full experience. New cards and mechanics come out that out date the old ones. New cards in our games are purely aesthetic. The game does not change with new packs. But, there are those who like the collectible card aspect so it's optional, while still allowing others the choice to enjoy the game without breaking the bank. Along with the wide variety of art styles and themes that we can make with our games, this allows us to reach a wider market range that other games cannot.

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