TJ's Excavating & Landscaping | Application Preview
TJ's Excavating & Landscaping is seeking government grants to fund equipment purchases, insurance, payroll, and business maintenance for two months. This initial support would enable the business to generate revenue and meet ongoing financial obligations thereafter.
The company's 5-year plan includes acquiring more equipment and hiring at least six additional employees. A key strength is that the owner’s husband has over 35 years of experience in excavating and is known for quality workmanship, adherence to code, and a solid reputation with local inspectors.
While there is competition in the area, many local companies have poor reputations for subpar work. In contrast, TJ's Excavating aims to differentiate itself through professionalism and high-quality services. With the husband's expertise, the business intends to deliver superior work at a competitive price, positioning itself favorably in the market.
General Information
Business Registration Number: 85-0887667
Location: Greenwood, IN, United States
Length of Operation: 0
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
To help purchase equipment to do the work with along with insurance and payroll and up keep for business for 2 months until money can be made, then I will be able to make all the payments I need to from then on.
Business Plan
Within 5 years I plan on having more equipment and at least 6 more employees My husband will be taking care of the work part out in the field he has over 35 years experience in the excavating business and has a good reputation with companies and city and county inspectors for doing work to code also doing good work in everything he does he does not take short cuts
Self Identified Competition
There is several companies that are in the excavating business in the area where I plan to do the work but a lot of them have bad reputations for doing work half way instead of doing quality work my husband is does his work very good and has that reputation witch will propel us to the top around this area. Our company is more professional and has a good reputation from the start. With my husbands experience he knows what it takes to do the right job for most of the times less money than his competitors and the work is done right the first time.
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