Massage Therapy by Chelsea Shanks | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: Massage Therapy by Chelsea Shanks
Location: Monahans, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 8
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
office rent for March April may and utilities . Reprocusions from covid
Business Plan
my business is successful , I am licensed in 34 modalities. A newcoming technique CBD wellness massage I am a great therapist, with 6 years of education. Full of optimism and thirst for knowledge . Helping others is what drives me , and I have molded my life around it. I am a unique therapist who does not have a "job" but a lifestyle. I give back as much as I can doing 1/3 of everyday for free for those who cannot afford it no questions asked. I have been very blessed living that way. I am nowhere near burnout and take my health seriously. This restriction during Co- vid has been extremely hard financially And mentally. I spend hours talking clients through home remedies stretching live stream children's yoga and meditation sessions. I worry about the people that need me constantly.
Self Identified Competition
Massage envy Elegante Other independent therapist I have never had a client lie on my table and go back to another therapist. They feel that they are not a dollar sign to me and they are not. I have a large knowledge base and continue education. I have great work ethic And go the extra mile.
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