U S G r a n t s . c o m
March 12, 2025, 4:34 am UTC

Sommertime Somersaults 863556813 | Government Grant Application

Sommertime Somersaults | Application Preview


Sommertime Somersaults is seeking government grants to purchase and remodel a building for a gymnastics facility. The funding will help acquire high-quality equipment necessary for training and will also provide attire for the children. Their business plan includes offering competition teams along with a diverse range of classes such as dance, yoga, and Pilates.

The applicant emphasizes the lifelong benefits of gymnastics, noting its appeal to children of all ages and sizes, and believes that the facility will be a valuable addition to the community. In terms of competition, they highlight that while there are sports like karate, soccer, and basketball in the area, there are no gymnastics facilities within a 45-mile radius. This gap provides Sommertime Somersaults with a competitive edge, as gymnastics offers continuous growth and enjoyment, making it a unique and enduring option for local families.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 863556813

    Location: ONTARIO, CA, United States

    Length of Operation: 4 months

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    The funding will be used to purchase and remodel a building. The funding will also be used to fully equip a gymnastics facility with quality equipment to teach to the best of our ability. Children will be provided with attire as well!

  • Business Plan

    Offer competition teams and also offer a variety of classes outside of gymnastics such as dance, yoga, Pilates, and more Gymnastics is somethig that can last a lifetime and benefit children of all ages, shapes and sizes. It will always make money and is something needed in each community!

  • Self Identified Competition

    In my town my top 3 competitors would be other sports such as karate, soccer, basketball, baseball and softball. There are absolutely no gymnastics facilities within 45 miles It is gymnastics, fun and never ending. You constantly grow within the sport, training can be lifelong

  • Contact Applicant

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