U S G r a n t s . c o m
March 14, 2025, 8:06 am UTC

Rebel Fabrication LLC 802598467 | Government Grant Application

Rebel Fabrication LLC | Application Preview


Rebel Fabrication LLC is seeking government grants to expand its operations by moving to a larger facility that will accommodate increased production and more training opportunities. The funding will also be directed towards acquiring upgraded equipment. The business is currently engaged in an internship program with local schools, where the owner has already trained one student in welding and tool usage and plans to train another this fall. A notable achievement was securing a scholarship for the first student, illustrating the positive impact on their educational journey.

The business plan focuses on not only expanding training capacity but also hiring some of the trained students as employees and trainers, fostering a cycle of skill development and contribution to the community. The owner emphasizes the growing demand for skilled trades, highlighting that eager students need guidance to enter the workforce.

The owner believes there is no direct competition in the area, making their one-on-one training approach a unique selling point. They are passionate about their work and committed to training the next generation of welders and fabricators, stating that they will ensure the success of the initiative.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 802598467

    Location: Richland, MI, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    The funding usage will be used to expand the business into a larger facility to be able to do more and offer more. Currently I am doing an internship program working with the local schools. I have trained one student in welding and general tool usage. I plan to have another this fall. Working with the schools I have been able to give a student direction and become a member of society that can contribute a special skill. We also were able to get the first student a scholarship to put towards furthering their education. I want to expand on what I was able accomplish with the first student so that I can train more than one at a time. I also would like to be able to start producing more so that the business can sustain itself. So I am also looking to purchase more and better equipment to go into the new facility as well.

  • Business Plan

    My plan is to expand enough that some of these kids I am training I could actually employ and make them trainers so that they can give back as well and make a good living doing something they love to do. Investors should invest in my company just simply for the fact that skilled trades are becoming hard to fill. These kids have a drive to learn welding and want to work. They just need direction to get them there. I have the skills and the drive to do that. I have been a welder and a fabricator most of my life. This direction my company has taken is my passion in life. I will not fail.

  • Self Identified Competition

    None that I know of. I am a one on one trainer. For now. The students get 100% of me to show them what to do. There is no other facilities that teach welding and fabrication near me. Especially not one that is basing there business on doing this kind of thing.

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