Million Dollar Hustle | Application Preview
Million Dollar Hustle is seeking government grants to acquire essential equipment, including a printer, a new computer, and 2-3 pressing machines to boost production capacity for both small and large orders. The business plan aims for global expansion within the next five years, with the ultimate goal of opening a physical store.
The owner emphasizes a strong personal motivation behind this venture, driven by a passion for clothing design and the need to support two children. The business is positioned as a reliable source of income, highlighting resilience and the potential for self-sufficiency through entrepreneurship.
In terms of competition, Million Dollar Hustle identifies Fashion Nova, Akira, and Ralph Lauren as its main rivals. However, it stands out by fostering an inspirational brand ethos that encourages customers to aim for greater success and independence. The name "Million Dollar Hustle" reflects this mission, aiming to empower individuals to pursue their dreams and achieve financial independence.
General Information
Business Registration Number: 202005291394838
Location: Indianapolis, IN, United States
Length of Operation: 0
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
I will need to buy more equipment to get started like a printer, a new computer and 2-3 pressing machine for short/ large orders
Business Plan
In the next 5 years I plan on going globally and eventually opening up a store. Investors should invest in me because this is my passion and dream to make clothes. I have two children I need to provide for. Also with all the the stuff going on I can always depend on my own company to make money anytime. Million Dollar Hustle is a positive motivation and to strive other’s to go BIG.
Self Identified Competition
My top 3 competitors are Fashion Nova, Akira , and Ralph Lauren. My business is different from competitors because my Business name “ Million Dollar Hustle” give customers motivation to strive higher , to become an millionaire so you don’t have to depend on any one.
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