Wendy's Club FIT | Application Preview
Wendy's Club FIT is seeking government grant funding to expand its small facility, currently under 1,000 square feet, which limits its capacity to assist more individuals on their fitness journeys. The funds would be used to grow the space and hire additional staff, enabling the organization to provide more opportunities for community members to improve their health and potentially reduce or eliminate their dependence on medication.
The business plan focuses on increasing the number of 5K events and creating a supportive environment for members to achieve their fitness goals. Wendy's Club FIT specializes in transforming the lives of people who weigh over 400 pounds, offering personalized physical and mental support to help them lose weight and regain control of their lives.
The gym promotes exciting activities based on members' bucket lists, encouraging them to pursue experiences they felt were out of reach due to their weight. As members achieve their goals, they participate in group outings like rappelling and scuba diving, fostering a sense of community and accomplishment.
In terms of competition, Wendy's Club FIT distinguishes itself from larger fitness chains like Orange Theory and Planet Fitness by providing unique services, including MMA conditioning and kickboxing classes, as well as personalized attention through small group training. Unlike other local gyms that may cater to specific demographics, Wendy's Club FIT embraces a diverse clientele, offering comprehensive support that includes tailored nutrition plans, workout classes guided by real coaches, and mental preparedness resources, setting it apart in the fitness industry.
General Information
Business Registration Number: 47-2883863
Location: North Olmsted, OH, United States
Length of Operation: 3.5
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
I need to expand my location to help more people get healthy. My place is small, under 1000 sq ft, and I can only fit a few people in at a time. I would like to grow and add people to my staff.
Business Plan
More 5k's, expansion to be ablt to help more people get fit and get off meds. I help people get their lives back. I take 400+ pound people and I work with them not only physically, but mentally to get them to lose weight, get off some meds (if not all) and get them their lives back. We do outings that are bucket list based. When new members come to the gym at 400 pounds I ask them what they always wanted to do but couldn't because of their weight. The answer goes onto our bucket list. Once they lose enough weight we do that activity with the gym as a group, like rapelling, scuba diving and more.
Self Identified Competition
I'm unique but if I had competitors I'd say 1) Orange Theory, they kind of do HIIT training but hey don't have the added MMA conditioning and kickboxing classes like I do. 2) Planet Fitness. Not the same as me at all but people perceive them as a cheap gym to go to so I lose people with that cheap mentality. 3) A local gym here called Bad Girls Fitness. They do the same type of workouts but they only cater to women, I help both men and women. Most gyms are big box, meaning they rent you their equipment and there's no instruction. I do small group training to make it affordable for people. We do everything, from nutrition plans, daily workouts with classes with a real coach, mental preparedness for the life changes and more.
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