U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:57 am UTC

Gustin, Mr. and Mrs., LLC 0005885551 | Government Grant Application

Gustin, Mr. and Mrs., LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 0005885551

    Location: Fargo, ND, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    For the operating our Childcare, the fund will be used to buy materials and equipment for childcare such as playground, swing, construction of the stairs to have access to the playground, fence of the play area. cheeks and other materials useful for the development of children.

  • Business Plan

    The idea of the Gustin's Family Childcare project came to us following the success of a voluntary child care that we opened at the church with a capacity of more than 30 children. Generally every Sunday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm we have a childcare for the children of members of the Ti-City Haitian Ministry Church so that they can pray and worship in peace and maintain their relationship with God. Given the appreciation of our services by parents, they have requested this service for weekdays to ensure that their children are in good hands. Next to other customers that we can have, this group represents our potential customers. As part of our project, the demand already exceeds our capacity. We already have more than 12 children at the church whose parents have requested our service and who are requesting that their place be reserved so that they can start with us during the month of September, because according to local laws in the west. Fargo City cannot exceed more than 12 children in a Childcare home. Our project idea is to move from a volunteered project to a business project in less than one year depending on market demand. Since we have local restriction limits of 12 children in the intervention area, we have chosen to start with the minimum. after 2 years of operation we will be able to increase to 30 children and in 5 years to 100 children since the demand is growing and this will have a positive impact on our income. We have a Childcare project for 12 children, which will be beneficial for 24 male and female parents, for whom it is socially useful and economically profitable since we will have an income stream. In our area of intervention there is a growing demand for childcare and many children are waiting since there is not enough childcare in the area. Despite the low income of the owners, it remains a useful and essential project for economic growth since the parents can be productive in their work, must ensure that their child is in good hands and safe. This is why a funding organization has a high interest in investing in such a project.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Considering the relationship between supply and demand the competition can be said to be moderate and the immediate main competitors to consider are the following company: Sanford Center Childcare Development, Little Jungle Childcare, Gifted Stars Childcare, Faith kids Growing Kids Kindergartens and child care. To limit the impact of our competitors on our business, it is planned to provide quality service, on this point all our customers will receive a conscientious, personalized and fast service at all levels, whether transactions , disputes or complaints. This is intended for a faithful relationship of trust in order to retain customers. The Company has completed a thorough analysis of its competitors' pricing. Keeping in mind our competition's pricing and the costs of customer acquisition, we have decided on the following pricing strategy: childcare service at $250 per week and transportation service at $50 per week, these represent the minimum price on the market.

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