WaterWay CleanUp Services | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 83-0945663
Location: The Woodlands, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 20+
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Currently, have 7 systems installed in the City of Pasadena Tx. Funding will be used to install and maintain many more systems throughout coastal areas protecting Galveston Bay and other vital coastal watersheds. Systems are built of non corrosive material and will have additional hydrocarbon capturing booms attached.
Business Plan
Building and expanding the installation of many more systems will draw lots of attention to the crucial need for these systems adding to the educational as creating additional job positions throughout the State of Texas. With over 20 years of experience. Designed and built the first of its kind system that actually works with fantastic results.
Self Identified Competition
Zero competitors! We have no competitors, we are the only company that has designed and built trash capturing systems that are installed in stormwater waterways.
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