Little Bloomers Clothing LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 32085792235
Location: Edinburg, TX, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
We plan to use the funds to invest in our store by purchasing new inventory from local suppliers. This would reduce our delivery fees and wait times. This in turn will help local suppliers and provide exposure. It will also give our store the potential to reach a broader audience.
Business Plan
We are currently considering expanding our store at our known current location. We have a strategic plan that will allow us have a competitive edge on the competition by providing new clothes at an earlier pace than out competition. We also have started to grow our audience by using known and established and highly popular social media outlets. In addition we are the only or part of the few small local business that offers after pat. A tool which has shown to help businesses grow by allowing customers pay small payments through a set term. We consider product quality one of our most important characteristics. We visually inspect every garment displayed on our shelves and make sure that the product we are selling is greater than our competition. We research the clothing industry to provide customers with the newest apparel at an affordable price. We diversify our inventory to guarantee that you leave our store with a great experience, and that your child will be wearing the best clothes money can buy.
Self Identified Competition
Our competitors are not in proximity of our established location. We have found that our competitors carry the same items for multiple months, and carry too much volume in the same items resulting in children wearing the same clothes. This in turn stresses the parents out due to a lack of options. We strive to provide high-quality, unique and tasteful apparel for any situation to your child. We listen to our customer's feed back when they suggest styles that they would like to see in our store. We have our location staffed ready to assist and customers with questions or concerns. We address all inquiries in a fast and timely manner. This provides the customer with a great shopping experience that makes the customer return and share the experience with family and friend and allows our business to grow.
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