JBN Enterprises, LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 32-0474803
Location: Eastman, GA, United States
Length of Operation: 6-10
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $250k to $500k
Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
I strongly believe that we have reached a point in our business where we can not grown where we are located. We currently rent and upon initially opening we put about $75,000 on renovating our currently building. Our building has kept up well and we constantly get compliments on how well kept our space is from new customers; however, we cannot expand our business in any way due to layout and lack of space. We are wanting to begin baking our own food products as a way to not only expand our menu options but also to increase profit margins. In order to do this we will need to purchase new commercial grade equipment. The biggest roadblock with this is we don't have the kitchen space we need to expand; therefore, we have begun seeking a new location. If we don't have any luck finding a new location to building/renovate that meets our needs; we will need to renovate to decrease our dine in space and expand our kitchen space.
Business Plan
In the next five years we plan to either build or renovate a new location as we are needing more space to expand. We also plan to expand our menu adding fresh baked pastries, new pastries, and more lunch items. By baking our own products in house, our profit margins will increase allowing for higher revenue. We also plan to expand our coffees station, adding in another espresso machine to become quicker at getting products out reducing wait time and increasing order numbers. Our coffee brings in 60% of our revenue which is why we feel that by adding an additional work station, we would increase coffee sales. We have already begun marketing for Private events after hours which will bring in additional income. Currently we don't have the space to cater these parties requiring us to contract out. By moving to a bigger location we will be able to provide the food ourselves, cutting out our contract help also increasing profit and revenue from these events. Lastly we plan to develop a website which will allow our products to be easily attainable and also result in quicker and more effective bookings for private events. By having a visual presence online our customers would also be more inclined to order more or preorder catering orders. 7 years ago I returned to my home town with an idea to open this very specific business in my home town. My town is rural and at the time there wasn't a speciality coffee shop within 45 miles or a frozen yogurt shop within 60 miles. We also don't have any chain restaurants, despite having about 10 fast food spots. I saw a need for something different and something Nice. Our town didn't have a spot that was inviting, family friendly, and encouraged fellowship. At the time of renovation and prepping 90% of the feedback I received from community members was "this will never work here." The first few years we didn't make a profit we broke even. With persistent and working however, many hours needed to be worked 7 years later we are still here and we are thriving. We are at a point in our business where our customers are wanting more from us. We have grown this business to turn a profit, as well as opened a mobile unit which has also proven to be successful. We now have a competitor 15 miles down the road that scouted our business and opened up almost the exact business frozen yogurt, speciality coffees, and pastries. WE also have another speciality coffee shop 20 miles south of us that also opened up using the same exact products we use to make our drinks, as well as the same pastries. Lastly Starbucks opened up 30 miles the other direction. Despite all these similar stores opening up our customers have remained loyal and supportive helping us and helping us thrive. Customers come from neighboring counties to get our products, so we believe we have one of the best products this industry offers.
Self Identified Competition
Starbucks, Parkin Latte, My Cup of Coffee all of these are in neighboring towns (mentioned in above section). We are the original, aside from starbucks in our areas. We were the first to invest in our/a rural town, not knowing what the outcome would be. I believed in our community and the ability for them to welcome something new and different despite their hesitation to it. I believe we showed others who were considering opening a niche shop like ours that it's possible. We believe so highly in our products and what we offer, and I hold all involved with our business to a high standard which helps separate us from others. Lastly we partner as much as we can with "local" vendors and smaller business, i.e our pastries are from smaller bakeries partnered with our distributors and we chose a roaster specific to the state of georgia.
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