U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:46 am UTC

Children 843839080 | Government Grant Application

Children | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 843839080

    Location: Great Falls, VA, United States

    Length of Operation: 0

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Payroll: $20,000 Rent: $21,000 Loan Payment: $8,000 Other office expenses: $1000

  • Business Plan

    Im leveraging technology to provide highest and most cost effective quality of care to our patients. We are also investing on marketing to create awareness in the market place I am a very passionate about providing highest quality of care to my patients, which has made me a better clinician. I am an award winning pediatric dentist, receiving the PUGH Award for scoring in the top 3 percentile on the pediatric dental board exam. I will be leveraging on my training in Public health to create a safer environment for my patients

  • Self Identified Competition

    1) Arlington Pediatric Dentistry: Has multiple dentist thereby loosing the much needed Doctor/patient relationship. Little or no technology. Marketing not aggressive. 2) Sunny Smiles Dentistry: Not a pediatric dental office. Operated by a general dentist. 3) SuperKids Pediatric Dentistry: Not leveraging on technology, deficient marketing, Multiple providers and high doctor turn over, hence doctor/patient relationship is impeded We are a modern pediatric office with the owner trained in public health and pediatric dentistry making him well trained to address patients concern with COVID 19. We have developed a strong Financial proforma and all our decisions are backed by solid data from our finance team. our new office is engineered to address the new normal of aerosol awareness in a dental office and we are marketing heavily to highlight these points

  • Contact Applicant

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