U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 2:05 am UTC

Jay I Entertainment 851383717 | Government Grant Application

Jay I Entertainment | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 851383717

    Location: Brooklyn, NY, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We are trying to purchase a photography/recording studio. We want to establish a home base for our clients as well as find a means to increase our revenue. A studio space is the missing piece to taking our business to the level we aspire it to be. We provide so many services and the expenses of booking multiple studios monthly an be voided if we have a space of our own. We project that a studio space one renovated can bring in an almost guaranteed $4,000-$7,000 monthly income.

  • Business Plan

    We plan to establish a major presence in the tri-state area. We have artists who have already been on radio within the U.S. and overseas. We have partnered with producers and other persons in media who have agreed to assist even more once we have acquired a studio space. We will use funding to market and promote our brand to reach a larger audience. We will also be able to produce apparel at an even quicker rate with more equipment. In 5 years we will definitely be a business capable of making six figures once we acquire the missing piece: Our state of the art photography/recording studio. Investors should invest in us because we work harder than most. We have dreams bigger than the average person and we have sacrificed more than many can imagine. I started my own photography company and thrived with very little assistance. While others take breaks and find rest, I am working two jobs, staying up late to ensure the success of our family business. Anything I put my mind to, I accomplish like moving to America at 18 years old and learning to speak English fluently within a year because I was determined to go to a great college, make my family proud, and secure my future. My wife who is my partner was diagnosed with stage 3 bilateral breast cancer last year at only 27 years old. She still performed and toured in between chemotherapy, she still put her blood, sweat and tears into our business despite fatigue, poor health, and stress. When the odds are stacked against us, we don't quit. We have given all we have to break generational curses and establish our LLC. We are passionate and we have a vision of positively impacting our community and all who we encounter. We strive to make a difference through the arts and for these reasons and more, we believe we should be invested in. All it takes is one opportunity.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Our three top competitors are Trap & Field, KingsPrints, and Money Never Lie Entertainment. These clothing brands and record labels individually provide pieces of the same services we do. We have a similar target customer, and these business also have larger resources available to them. They have the financial backing as well which we are missing. Jay I Entertainment is different from our competitors because we strive for absolute excellence. We give real opportunities for others to grow and develop. We don't turn away individuals who are not at their peak or who aren't the most polished. We work with everyone to help them achieve their full potential. I think we view every possible client as a diamond in the rough. We also provide a multitude of services within one company. Our competitors each have a piece of what we offer in separate businesses. We have developed a strong team of creatives allowing us to have something for every aspect of arts, media, and entertainment. We are more eager than almost anyone you will ever meet.

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