Old Pueblo Hemp Company | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: L22813024
Location: TUCSON, AZ, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Ereasy Spray System - $30,000 Mudhog Mixer - $16,000 Skid Steer - $30,000 Work Truck - $40,000 20ft. Trailer - $8,000
Business Plan
-Building Highly Energy Efficient homes all across Arizona -Advocating and Educating to push the Arizona Hemp Industry forward through State Level Lobbying and Legislation -Hosting Community Building Educational Hands-on Hemp Construction Workshops that introduce and connect potential clients with Industrial Hemp. -Partnering with "Green Industry" Contractors in Solar Energy, Solar Heating and Cooling, Water Harvesting and Intelligent Smart Home Design. Associate the Energy Efficiency into actual dollar cost savings. -Partnering with other Hemp Industry Proffessionals -Member of United States Hemp Building Association -Attend, participate and speak at National and International Hemp Conventions and Workshops -Actively seek out new investment for expansion and development of equipment and services. -Create an online store and distribution of Industrial Hemp Products -Promote OPH through the local news, Hemp Publications, Industry Podcasts and Social Media platforms America needs a better way to do construction. Modern building is a process of layering multiple, highly toxic materials together until the needed structure is formed. The American public is starting to see just how toxic and harmful to health these materials are, similiar to when we realized that lead and asbestos in our homes was killing us. Hemp-lime Construction is a highly energy efficient, non-toxic, pest resistant, mold resistant, fire resistant AND sustainable way to build. Did I mention a Hemp Home will actually strengthen over time? Energy cost are only going to continue to increase, the American public is becoming more aware of how our surroundings affect our health and we demand a better, sustainable way to build. Old Pueblo Hemp Co. is a budding leader in the Hemp Industry and primed to dominate.
Self Identified Competition
As mentioned above, Industrial Hemp is just getting started. There are only a handful of Hemp Builders scattered across the country. There are currently no General Contractors that build with Hemp in Arizona. Construction practices, past and present, are an environmental disgrace, from start to finish. Not only does the Construction Industry account for close to 40% of global carbon emissions, but every component of a build requires products that are loaded with highly toxic chemicals that only degrade over time. Our building material, Hemp, is produced with sunlight and water. A Hemp Home will actually sequester carbon. Imagine that, a Carbon-Negative way to build that actually becomes stronger over time.
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