Level Me Up Foundation | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: C4536250
Location: Lake Elsinore, CA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Operating overhead, Events (job fairs, exhibits, marketing/advertising, scholarships/grants, independent resume writers and career coaches, facility rentals for events
Business Plan
Events (job fairs, exhibits, round robin interview events), National College Tour - assist college students (career coaching) Their investment will allow us to help individuals secure jobs as well as career development Nd upward mobility changing financial wealth for not just themselves but their families
Self Identified Competition
1. Status Quo - people not wanting to invest in their own future (because they don’t know how or if its possible. 2. Unemployment Benefits - COVID and the extension of Unemployment Benefits 3. Desired and Expectations to work from home We are working hard to change the mindset and culture of the above by showing people the possibilities and motivating them to invest time in their success We are changing peoples lives, giving them a chance to creating generational and changing their families trajectory by helping them land a career that affords them the ability to take care of their families
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