Liviana Kathleen's Beauty Studio | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: Liviana Kathleen's Beauty Studio
Location: EAST STROUDSBURG, PA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
Expanding into a new room to generate more income. Buy product line, equipment, in order to create more hires. Also turning part of the spa into a space for children for parties. This will create more jobs and generate more revenue.
Business Plan
I am running a full salon ran by woman, I eventually would love to rent the space next door and grow and be bigger, turning it into a boutique and another bigger space for children. The amount of estheticians going to school and not being able to find a job is at a staggering 45% and I want to be able to grow my business into a place where estheticians can grow as well and not feel like they went to school and wasted all their money and not be able to get a job. Investors should invest in my business because in the short time I have been open, we have created a buzz in the very busy Pocono Mountain Region. We have a great business plan to turn a profit in year 2, and will continue to grow, and by year 5, will have a 40% profit margin, which would be the highest in this particular segment that my business is in. I am a dedicated owner, that is sacrificing to make this work, and will continue to do so.
Self Identified Competition
The competitors are other spas who have been around for over 15 years. I am not afraid of competition because I know what I offer is very unique and different. I offer a better pay scale than other spas in the area. I do not make estheticians feel like they are walking out of school and being employed just to fold towels. Which is what I did for many years before taking the jump into my own business. Not only is my spa super different and unique, me and my husband built it from the ground up, we have marble epoxy floors, and the atmosphere is very calming. We took an entire year to do everything because we put our own time and money into it.
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