Advantage Airsoft LLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: EIN-83-3305279
Location: Menan, ID, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: $100k to $250k
Annual Gross Expense: $100k to $250k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
The funds would be used to move into a better retail location and create several new positions. We would expand into an online retail space as well. The location we have picked would provide enough space to double or triple our currently inventory variety and have infrastructure for a thorough warehouse system. We could move into that space quickly and expand exponentially within the year.
Business Plan
With the injection of Capital we would quickly expand to a significant size. Without more capital we will continue to grow at a slow rate. But the fact is we have proven with our experience over 4 years we can grow significantly in a short period. In an ideal situation our plan to grow would be to move into a space we are looking at now, and expand our retail location and inventory to allow more revenue. We would hire 2 additional employees within six months, and expand into online sales. Our marketing team would begin campaigns to broadly advertise training events at venues we already have some agreements with. I would continue to work with Law Enforcement agencies to provide training for them. We would begin to expand our market into Law enforcement equipment and uniforms in a year. Within five years we would be facilitating retail for government and LE equipment and uniforms, airsoft replicas for recreation and training, and acquiring a large building to host training civilian and LEO classes, and airsoft recreation. In five years I would estimate employing between 5-12 individuals. We have shown with our limited hours and investment of time we have grown significantly in the last 4 years. We began with an initial investment of just $7,000 and that purchased licenses, inventory and store equipment. We currently hold approximately $50,000 of inventory and hour revenue to date since our start date exactly 4 years ago is $377,000. We have the ability and the market in this area to grow exponentially and be a significant resource to our region, and provide jobs for hard working individuals. With my plan to expand over 5 years I would estimate our annual revenue raising from approximately $125,000 to $1,000,000+ annually.
Self Identified Competition
We have no local competition. Idaho has one other Airsoft Retailer, and they are located in Boise, across the state. We have a good relationship with them. The other nearest competitors are in Utah. Both other retailers are significantly larger than us, but seem to have stopped their growth. We have a unique perspective on Airsoft replicas. I am a current Sheriff's Deputy. I see the training value and the recreational value in the industry. Airsoft is used as a positive recreational outlet for people, and as an invaluable training tool. The airsoft industry has had a significant shift to the professional and training market over the last 3 years. My plan is to continue to push into the professional market and eventually provide a location for agencies and individuals to practice, train, and recreate, and provide the best equipment on the market to continue to support them.
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