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February 5, 2025, 6:09 pm UTC

NANA'S TOTS DAYCARE NANA'S TOTS DAYCARE | Government Grant Application

NANA'S TOTS DAYCARE | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: NANA'S TOTS DAYCARE

    Location: HOPEWELL, VA, United States

    Length of Operation: 6-10

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I intend to use this funding to move my daycare to the next step which is furthering my education toward my CDA, hiring a couple of employees, replacing old equipment and toys.

  • Business Plan

    It begins with completing my CDA and hiring employees so that I can expand my enrollment. My next step is to find commercial property serving my area. Growth doesn't happen overnight, it takes dedicated, loyalty and those who believe in the dream and have faith in God to maintain and prosper this venture. I believe God has opened up this opportunity for a reason. He has given me a vision for the daycare and He has seen it to fruition parallel to that vision. Nana's Tots Daycare strives to serve the local area and maintains to be a trusted service in the childcare industry providing both reliable, safe childcare and employment. My sister said it best; "Your heart is in these kids." She's absolutely right. Childcare is a much needed, but much difficult profession that does not get enough credit or respect. We are seen as "babysitters". Many of us put our hearts and soul and finances into this job. Many like myself dedicate their homes to it. I have 1 room that is my own, that's my bedroom. It's been that way for 6.5 years now. The rest of my house belongs to the kids. There are some days when you think about quitting because it is so hard mentally, physically and emotionally. Then you hear that giggle or look into those eyes and you just can't quit. You can't quit on them. Today I have former daycare kids that drop by to see me sometimes. Some have started school, some have moved away but the families stay in touch. My daycare, "Nana's Tots" is going to be my legacy and if I can leave nothing else behind in this world; I want to leave my heart. I will continue to work hard to be sure it is able to keep going after I am gone.

  • Self Identified Competition

    In my area the Goddard School is the most well known. They are a commercial daycare and I don't really consider them a competitor since I am not yet in their league. However, their tuition runs from 1400 - 1600 a month. The larger daycare centers account for about 29% of this market. There are many in home daycares like my own, that can host between 20 and 100 children. There is a daycare center a few blocks from my home though it seems to be old and run down looking. I never hear of parents even considering it. Having said that, the childcare market is quite competitive. Even so, there is always room for more. The first thing I hear from parents is that my prices are preferred. What good does it do a parent to work all week if their entire paycheck is going for daycare? I keep my prices fair. As stated before I have a heart for my job. I actually love what I do and it shows. I provide out of pocket what many daycares charge extra for. Although I am currently an in home daycare, I provide a structured learning environment and take the necessary courses to continue being a better provider.

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