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October 18, 2024, 8:00 am UTC

GOAT Group LLC 84-2941292 | Government Grant Application

GOAT Group LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 84-2941292

    Location: Baton Rouge, LA, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    The funds will be used to procure another camera, a few lenses and other camera related equipment in order to enhance my content creation. I will also use funds in efforts to position myself with a more stable apparel production process, be it via dropshipping/outsourcing, or continuing to build upon the foundation of equipment I've started at my business address.

  • Business Plan

    Over the next five years I plan to grow my business in multiple ways. In regards to apparel, I plan to have a stable production setup it, be it via dropshipping or outsourcing, in order to fulfill volume orders. I also plan on having my apparel placed in clothing stores through networking with people that dwell in that realm of business. In regards to content creation, I plan on growing my skill set to a point where I have a solid crew of people working with me to create content for a large pool of clients. Content would include, but is not limited to social media marketing, podcast episodes, advertisements and commercials, music videos, travel videos, wedding/event content and much more. Investors should invest in me because my determination and creativity paired with my business acumen and care for people is a recipe for success. How I do anything is how I do everything, meaning I always give my best and do what needs to be done to produce high quality products and services that satisfy the customers. I named my business GOAT Group LLC for a specific reason. GOAT is renowned for "Greatest of All Time". My goal is to be the greatest that I can be in whatever I do, and to help others do the same. That translates so well to my apparel and content creation. Customers feel a sense of greatest when they wear my apparel, because it's not just the apparel itself, it's what it stands for— greatness, which everyone has in them. My content creation is not just about an end product that is visually and auditorily pleasing. It's about the experience within that process, immersing yourself in greatness.

  • Self Identified Competition

    My top 3 competitors in apparel would be Nike, Ralph Lauren and Stacy Adams. Nike dominants athletic apparel. Ralph Lauren is a prominent in casual/business casual apparel, specifically polo style shirts. Stacy Adams is prominent in business apparel, suits, dress shoes, etc. I plan on having quality apparel products in each of those areas, with athletic wear being the main focus. In regard to content creation, y top three competitors are Sizmic Media, DaEdge1 Productions, and Shabazz Born Films. Sizmic Media and DaEdge 1 Productions are local production companies that specialize in video content. Shabazz Born Films is a local production company that specializes in Photography. With small businesses such as mine at the moment, people buy into the person first, product second. I fully understand this. My goal is to connect with people on a personal level as much as I can. I want them to know and understand the message behind my products and services and will take all necessary actions to do so. Looking at the apparel side, Nike has a string message— just do it. This message has helped them reach the top of the athletic apparel world. When we look at Ralph Lauren and Stacy Adams, there is no specific message behind the brand. I believe a lot of brands lack a message, and that's one area where I distinguish myself from others. Referring back to "GOAT" being renowned as "Greatest of All Time", we often think of people such as Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, Tom Brady, Lionel Messi and so many more, but we never think to put that label on ourselves. Why is that? Are we too busy seeing the greatness in others that we forget about the greatness within ourselves? That is the intent of my apparel! It's a constant reminder to realize the greatest within self and to live out that greatness! Regarding content creation, I model how I interact with a customer based on an old cliché, "People won't always remember what you say, but they will remember how you made them feel". Therefore, I focus on the experience, the process. Of course, a quality end product is immensely important, but I would say ensuring that the customer had a great experience is just as or more important. Even if the end product was great, if the experience was bad, that customer will likely not return and will likely not refer anyone to you. If the experience was great, you have a better chance of customer retention and referrals, whether the end product turned out great or not. So, my understanding of people, customer satisfaction, and the importance of a great experience separates me from my competitors.

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