Lox lawn and landscaping | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: IC221012202263-1
Location: Jeannette, PA, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: NO
Funding Usage
Plan on using the funds to advertise, purchase a truck and trailer to efficiently transport mowers and landscaping equipment
Business Plan
The plan is to use the additional funding for advertising and equipment. The plan is to hire on at least a 4 man crew in the next two seasons to help generate enough money flow to buy another truck and have two crews on the road(5 year plan). I then can add specialist to the team.concrete guys, masons, landscape designers .chemical sprayers etc Things of that nature. I’m new to the business world but I can see there’s money to be made , Jeannette is a small town, we have few landscaping companies here and even fewer who concentrate on mowing.Very few companies advertise. With a two man crew this past season the business was able to generate a lot of work . But unfortunately we lack the equipment and funding to handle such big loads of work. I’ve been apart of the Jeannette community for most of my life . While it’s a mixed community I see very few, if not any Black entrepreneurs. I would love to show other people such as myself that we can build and grow together as a community and anything can be done if you put your mind and energy towards it !
Self Identified Competition
Barbish landscaping Little mikes landscaping Nickels landscape supply These companies are well established with strong roots in the ground. I’m not sure about others companies but I truly enjoy the work , the art. I know sometimes these other huge companies just go with the flow not considering the community imprint you can make, as well as the small town business circles you can create.
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