Black Pharaoh Design CO | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 88-3184820
Location: Grand Rapids, MI, United States
Length of Operation: 1-5
Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees
Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k
Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
The funds that I request of you will be applied strictly towards advanced equipment, and machinery that is vital and lucrative to my business. An embroidery machine for patchwork and logos, sewing machine for custom garments, vinyl cutter for graphics that are more difficult to weave by hand, weeding tools, a glow forge printer for the more detailed and tangible merchandise, representing my logo, and LLC a MacBook computer with advance programming, meant for designers and a hand hailed camera for photographic material and cinema videography to build my own website. Last, but not least something I truly believe to cost entirely too much, but still very lucrative, the DTF factory printer. If I am granted the opportunity to receive this money, trust that all will apply towards the business and progress of its movement. Nothing more and nothing less!
Business Plan
First I'd start by finding new ways to bring in more quality customers by developing a universal portfolio. In other words deflecting attention from me to the customer making it more about them. That way we can establish a business relationship more easily and evade ego discrepancy. Secondly, expanding my social media platform, implementing free time into the build of a unique website designed specifically to express the meaning behind my brand and logo. While also enveloping those who participate at the click of a link. Third by shaking hands, and involving myself in the community. I believe this will help me immensely simply because it strongly expresses genuine character and honestly one 0n one, in flesh verbal communication is the best in my opinion. I’m more of an old fashion guy. The logistics of my plan should go without saying in all honesty. My business is surely without a doubt profitable. Where I see myself in the next five years is behind an office desk seated in front of a window overlooking this beautiful scenery, headlining in the news as a fortune 500 company by the name of Black Pharaoh Design Co. I’m a man of God with his eyes open and on the prize, willing to do anything that is necessary in order to build a solid foundation for me and my family to place an empire. I honestly would love to be in some type of position of power to help others succeed. But as of now I’m not at liberty to prove this, and regardless of the matter, only time will tell. Part of my plan is to rebuild my community for the better invest in real estate and refurbish low-income base homes for people who are in need of a second chance.
Self Identified Competition
From a local standpoint, I see no motivational drive, lacking in detail, sloppy arrangement pattern, poor performance flawed material with no visual authenticity or professionalism. In all honesty, I don’t necessarily recognize the next individual as competition, because depending on your experience and expertise they are simply an avenue for new upgrades and profitable information that I can decipher from time to time giving me the advantage to formulate my own style and authenticity that'll more than likely have an infectious gravitational pull. I just need to catch the right people at the right time.
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