U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:15 am UTC

Hot Poppy 1001633428-SLC | Government Grant Application

Hot Poppy | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 1001633428-SLC

    Location: Nashville, TN, United States

    Length of Operation: Less than a year

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We would use the funding to purchase walk-in coolers, freezers, and industrial shelving. We would also use the funds to pay one full-time employee.

  • Business Plan

    We would like to expand our offerings by working with new vendors and farms, improve our packaging and move towards a more sustainable approach to grocery delivery. We would like to work toward community-driven events. We'd like to be able to expand Hot Poppy in the future to other cities. We are a locally driven business offering local-only groceries and goods. Hot Poppy aims to bring e-commerce to the local level.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Instacart - Grocery Delivery Service Amazon/Whole Foods - Grocery and Goods Delivery GoPuff - Grocery and Beverage Delivery Service We only offer products made and grown locally in an effort to boost our local economy. We offer the fastest delivery in town.

  • Contact Applicant

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