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September 8, 2024, 3:34 am UTC

Full Radiance Yoga 080548795 | Government Grant Application

Full Radiance Yoga | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 080548795

    Location: Providence, RI, United States

    Length of Operation: 11plus

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    $3000: Rent agreement (first and last month due at lease signing) $2000: Yoga Equipment/Props purchase (mats, blocks, straps, chairs) $1000: Logo refinement, signage creation (3 signs needed for location) $1000: Electronic equipment for online and hybrid classes (camera, screen, installation) $1000: Set-up for props and built-ins for shoes/coats/cubbies $2000: To assure I can pay monthly rent and utilities in the first few months of business.

  • Business Plan

    The yoga and wellness community space has 5 arms of offering: 1. Yoga pose classes 2. Yoga philosophy and education 3. Lifestyle support and education 4. Community support and celebration 5. Meditation instruction and support Each of these wings will have more offerings. I plan bring forward voices not often heard in the yoga teaching venues- voices from the BIPOC community, voices from differently abled community, voices from the LGBTQIA+ community. Presently, my offerings are primarily online with only a few offerings in person. Pre-covid, I had many offerings in other people's studios. I plan to build this in-person yoga studio so there are more options available to people in my local community. Movement classes, philosophy classes, trainings, and community events will all be nourished and cultivated. I have been a yoga and meditation teacher for over 25 years. An avid and devoted student of this field, I have some of the highest credentials available. I have run successful teacher trainings, workshops, and programming for decades. I have taught in person and online. I am presently doing both. I teach both locally and internationally. My reputation in the field is solid among my peers. My vision is to create a community wellness space where everyone feels welcome and comfortable. I believe representation matters, and am committed to bringing in teachers of color, teachers from marginalized groups not typically represented in the yoga world, but certainly present in our community. My vision and plan includes giving back to the community financially. I have previously founded and ran a community outreach program at a yogastudio I previously worked in, and will employ that previous experience to support others beyond the walls of the yoga studio. The yoga and meditation that I offer are connected to a tradition of yoga that honors engagement with family and community. The yoga and meditation inextricably weaves together the physical health and well-being focus with a heart-centered philosophy that includes mindful awareness, interconnection, and self and community care. As a woman-owned business supporting the amplification of marginalized voices in a field that has traditionally focused its message to a more narrow audience, my business has the heart and well-being of the community in mind and focus. In this time of upheaval and emotional challenge, yoga is a powerful and effective tool for spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

  • Self Identified Competition

    There are yoga classes in all gyms. The largest yoga studio in the city is Providence Power Yoga in the Jewelry District of Providence. There are a great deal of online offerings of yoga that people can access anywhere. The tradition of yoga encompasses far more than just the yoga poses. The tradition of yoga has a vast and deep philosophy of Consciousness and enlivened awareness. This rich wisdom tradition can be shared in many ways: through various practices (that include yoga poses, meditation, and others) and various workshops and trainings. Most, if not all, studios and online classes do not weave this essential part of the yoga tradition into their offerings. Yoga has traditionally been marketed and geared toward white practitioners, primarily thin, able-bodied, financially stable, young women. Yoga is for all bodies, regardless of race, gender, body shape, and age. The teaching philosophy, staff, marketing, class offerings, and pricing should and can reflect and support the diversity of our community. My pricing model is unique to this area. Each class and offering is tiered. There is the cost of the event. Then there is a less expensive option that is labeled "supported by your peers." There is a more expensive option that is labeled "supporting your peers." There will also be a name your price option for folks for whom the lower price is still not accessible. I have been working with this pricing model for about a half of a year, and I have found that it has been working beautifully. People are paying more when they can, and people who need the support are taking it.

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