U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 3:26 am UTC

SenseiJ Enterprises LLC 84-3075517 | Government Grant Application

SenseiJ Enterprises LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 84-3075517

    Location: NEW RIVER, AZ, United States

    Length of Operation: almost 2

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I would like to be able to advertise more to get more students, get better equipment, get ahead on rent and other bills and be able to provide for my family with an owners pay. I would like to be able to donate our time and expertise to our community as well and need funds to provide the materials needed to do so.

  • Business Plan

    I plan to grow our business by increasing our student count and retaining those students. I want to advertise in more locations/platforms to reach more potential students as well as be able to participate in local community functions to provide awareness to our brand and skills. Due to COVID, I was forced to shut down my business for almost 6 months. We lost about 1/3 of our student base and therefore income. We would like to be able to recover those students and/or enroll more students. We are a small business owned by only myself and my husband. We do not have any employees (other than ourselves. We started from the ground up and have a family friendly approach to all that we do. We have been open for just under 2 years and would like to stay open and be able to expand in the future. We don't turn anyone away for the inability to pay. We believe that everyone should have self-defense knowledge so they are able to protect themselves. Some of my goals are to create a scholarship fund for those who are unable to afford lessons as well as provide seminars at local schools/youth groups to teach kids about bullying and self-defense. An investment in us is an investment to protect our youth.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Phoenix Martial Arts (ATA in Anthem) ActivStars World Family Taekwondo We are different from our competitors in that we offer multiple options when it comes to lessons (days, times). We don't require our students to purchase anything other that the lesson fees which is all inclusive. We do not require a contract. We will work with you on payment plans if our basic programs don't align with your financial status. We are not a franchise and don't try to push anything extra on our families (sparring gear, weapons training, training gear for home use). We provide a safe, family friendly environment where everyone is welcome.

  • Contact Applicant

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