U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:32 am UTC

THE PLUMBING DOCTOR OF CHARLESTON LLC 81-4831359 | Government Grant Application


  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 81-4831359

    Location: north charleston, SC, United States

    Length of Operation: 3years 10months

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I would be able to quit my full time job and commit fully to growing my business and expanding as the need for plumbers in and around my area is overwhelming. That money would give me a chance to pay my bills up for 3 months in order to generate income to which I would be able to pay myself and use all other funds to payback and build my dream for my family and I.

  • Business Plan

    Year 1 and 2 will be to establish and dedicate at least 1-2 vehicles to service calls through home insurance warranties and service calls and 1 vehicle to light commercial and residential construction from the ground up. That would keep me busy as I would be working with the ability to hire at least one or two mechanics and a helper. Years 3 to 5 will be the other have paid back half or all debt (minus mortgage) and be able to buy or rent an official office as a headquarters with hopes of expanding throughout the trip county and then the state. Because I'm in need of working capital, a hard worker and have a good name and clientelle established with having ran my company for over 4 years and working full time all the while. The business name is already established with plenty potential to grow and become bigger than expected. The need for plumbers is huge in all areas. Residential, commercial and service.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I would compare my company and what I'm planning to do to Delk plumbing, Bishop and sons plumbing and Benjamin Franklin plumbing. All these companies started from home and built their entities to household names in the Charleston area and beyond. My rates will be both affordable and I'm a local to the area, while growing my business I want to be able to teach and give back to the community by teaching the younger generation the trade as hell to their home and families or for a career. I'm career hungry, driven and willing to go the extra mile and more to become a first call service mainly due to accessibility, availability and quality all while saving funds compared to these other companies overcharging every chance they can.

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