U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:38 am UTC

THE YG COLLECTION LLC 844824691 | Government Grant Application

THE YG COLLECTION LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 844824691

    Location: roselle, NJ, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    With this money we will be able to pay for more marketing to increase our sales, restock in inventory, and launch our EBOOK.

  • Business Plan

    On top of our online clothing store, I am going to launch a E-BOOK on how to start your own business and provide business counseling for beginner entrepreneurs 1. We will develop a unique way to help businesses grow sales and enhance their customers experience by creating a synergy between consultation (1st step), training (second step) and coaching (third step). 2. Our initial consultation report provides the client with solutions to enhance and grow sales. It involves interviews with the client, their staff and customers as well as market research. Afterwards we sit down with the client to discuss their options. The client is always in the drivers seat and can chose what they would like to implement in their business. 3. Training is based on what our clients want to achieve and are ready to take on board from the consultation report they receive. The training focuses only on our initial consultation and is developed with the client and their team in mind. 4. Coaching is then focused only on the training. This enhances the focus of the coaching and leaves out the things that are not important and don't need to be focused on which in turn reduces the time spend on coaching. 5. We are providing a Sales Growth Guarantee and our work is mainly performance based. Which means, besides a small deposit, the client has nothing to lose and only pays us if we grow sales. The foundation of building value is an employee-centric culture and a loyal customer base. YG will show you how to create a culture that attracts and keeps great employees and helps facilitate and a loyal customer base. This customer base enables you to feed growth and build value through more profitable delivery of your current and future products and services.

  • Self Identified Competition

    With increased use of the Internet to buy goods and services and to find places to go, you are no longer just competing with your immediate neighbours, you could find yourself competing with businesses from other countries. At the moment these 3 high end fashion brand are my competitors. 1.FashionNova. 2.Prettylittlethings 3.Ohpolly. 1. YG Collection Delivers extraordinary service. Plenty of businesses say that service is what makes them different. However, just saying it is not enough. You have to deliver extraordinary service that you can’t get anywhere else. This is why my online clothing boutique offers 24/7 customer service to all of our clients. 2. We do business differently than our competitors. We Found exploiting holes in their business model is a great way to set our company apart. For example all orders are shipped less than 24 hours. We also provide free shopping to all US customers. 3. We have created a powerful offer or guarantee. Guarantees are a great way to reduce the perceived risk of buying your product or service. Eliminating the hesitation for making a purchase can lead to more sales. For this such reason we have a size guide made for each product, and allow size exchanges to be made.

  • Contact Applicant

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