U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:43 am UTC

Midwest Property Logistics 45-4294233 | Government Grant Application

Midwest Property Logistics | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 45-4294233

    Location: Noblesville, IN, United States

    Length of Operation: 8

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We are looking to double the organization's size. This is extremely difficult with lower margins and reserve capital. We are a company that strives to be missional in our approach and give back to the community as well. We are currently working with several ministries to assist in helping re-habilitate homeless and those with minor felony convictions. We are also working to develop an internship program that would help vocational students to learn a trade. These funds would be used to float the recruiting costs, training costs, and payroll cash flow associated with bringing on an additional 25 full time service techs to the MPL workforce.

  • Business Plan

    MPL has experienced a 10-25% growth rate year over year - consecutively for the past 5 years. We are trending to hit a 15% growth rate in 2020 - despite the challenges of Covid 19 on our industry. We will continue to develop and build strong relationships with our current client base. We already are having to say no to various types of work simply because we do not have the man power to meet the demands of the contract. We plan to continue to expand regionally to cover more parts of Indiana. Our clients are national clients. Consequently, there is a lot of work that could be captured in Fort Wayne, Bloomington, and other markets other than Indianapolis. We have recently hired a master electrician. This add has allowed us to launch an electrical division and we believe we can double our revenues with this division alone. MPL's model has been a profitable model since starting in 2012. While margins have been slim at times, we have tried to be fiscally responsible and invest back into the company. We are missional. It is our goal to help as many people as possible reach their personal goals. We want to partner with organizations that help the "under-dog" and give them a hand "up" not "out". We are partnering with individuals like Marlin Jackson and Revive (Former Colts Player) to build homes for the underserved. We not only want to provide low income housing but also jobs for underserved individuals as well.

  • Self Identified Competition

    We have largely outgrown our competition within our current markets. Our primary competitors are "two guys and a truck" handy man service companies. These companies such as Beachy Construction and Cantlebury Construction. Even a couple larger service providers such as 3d Construction simply do not have the man power or backend support to provide our clients with the service and scheduling timelines requested. The people within the organization make MPL different. We hire based on if individuals are humble, hungry, and smart. This culture permeates our organization. We also strive to be dependable. When last tracked a couple months ago, we completed over 400 services in a 30 day period and missed or rescheduled 5 services. We also focus on quality and professionalism. Our team is not the typical construction company. We invest in training and developing personal character. We really believe we are a light in a very dark industry. We also approach business with the mindset that we want to get it right - not be right. We strive to be teachable and adaptable with all of our business relationships.

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