U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:51 am UTC

Phoenix Dragon LLC 86-1467263 | Government Grant Application

Phoenix Dragon LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 86-1467263

    Location: Shelburne, VT, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    We are in need of a larger workspace and storage for our products. The funding that we receive will go to leasing a facility that will accommodate this. Also this facility will be a physical store for us to sell our products locally. The added capital will also allow us to purchase supplies in larger quantities. The purchasing supplies in bulk quantities will also give us a discount as well. It added funds will also open up the opportunity for us to enter local farmers markets and larger art shows that are currently out of our financial capabilities. We will also use the funding for advertising to promote our business.

  • Business Plan

    Once we can move into a physical location away from the basement we will be able to expand on the services we offer. The location of the store we have picked out as our launch location was another small business that was there for 20 years (they recently moved down the street to a larger facility). This building is in a high visibility area with a restaurant adjoining. With the customer base this location should generate, we should be able to hire 2-3 people to help run the store within the first year. With this, it will allow myself and my partner to continue attending the fairs and festivals without having to close the store. The following years, we will start looking for a larger facility if it is needed at that time. By the end of 5 years our goal is to have two seperate locations. One will be strictly the metaphysics, gift and curiosities shop; the second will be for the floral preservation. Each will employ 4-6 people in the physical locations and up the 3 remote people for the website orders for the floral preservation. By investing in us, you are investing in an Entrepreneurs dream. We know that the business will be self-sustaining within the first year of having a solid financial backing that will allow us the time and resources to focus on the business. We already have a location selected as a seed location to start the next portion of this venture. There is no immediate competition for our business in the area since the other shops that are similar are almost an hour drive away. Once we are established in the local community we plan on participating in the local charity and community building events. We enjoy participating in events like "Green Up Day", town parades and helping with charity events, especially one that help local children. Investing in us will allow us to reach the point where we can help sponsor these type of events faster.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Practical Magic has been one of our favorite shops to visit over the years. It is a small shop in Essex, Vermont that is run by a wonderful group of ladies. They not only have a wide variety of basic metaphysic supplies, but they have very talented tarot readers and reiki healers. Spirit Dancer Gifts in Burlington, Vermont was my go-to store for several years. The lady that owned it had been in business for 20 years. But she sold it due to COVID and lease issues in the building. The new owner has moved to a new location and it no longer feels as welcoming. Moon Dancer Gifts in Milton, Vermont has been my favorite store for finding high quality essential oils and hard to find gemstones. The owner is a Reiki master and does some teaching. Most metaphysic/gift shops are very similar. We will carry some of the basic items that are staples. What will set us apart is our custom made pieces that are not found anywhere but in our shop. We also plan on offering other artists a spotlight month to help promote them as well. And finally, I am the only person in the region that has started offering floral preservation for weddings and other memorial events.

  • Contact Applicant

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