U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:35 am UTC

Flower to Flour Bakery LLC 86-3105480 | Government Grant Application

Flower to Flour Bakery LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 86-3105480

    Location: Enosburg Falls, VT, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    I am working on expanding my business and relocating to a bigger storefront. The funding would be used for the down payment on the new space, the transfer of licenses and having the ability to hire employees. I currently am a solo operator and my business could expand greatly if I were able to hire employees. Vermont is such a small community, building it up one business at a time is extremely important to the success of the economy.

  • Business Plan

    In the next five years the growth plan for my business is to be able to operate and maintain a growing food establishment. I plan on being able to have up to ten+ employees, helping to keep local Franklin County Vermont members employed. I plan to have my bread being sold in local grocery stores, and other various local markets. My business will be an important piece of the community and help out as many people as I can. I am a determined woman owned and operated business in the state of Vermont, and a mother of two little ones. I focus on promoting local, and supporting/uplifting other local businesses to help our economy. In order to sustain the economy we need to work together to build each other up. My product is made with passion, with the love of food and baked goods, and with a heart of gold. I support my community as much as I can. For example, I donate to the local food shelf weekly, I donate to other various charity events, I volunteer my time in the community as much as I can within the EBCA(Enosburg Business and community Association), and the ACTIONS PTO group at the local elementary school. I truly believe that my business is a huge part of this ever changing ever growing community/town/state. With expansion I can only grow my business and the community that much more.

  • Self Identified Competition

    Some of my top competition is the home bakers that offer a business service for baked good out of their home. The local pizza shop is a competitor as I offer pizzas. The other top competitor I have is Hannaford, they bake and sell baked good products as well. My business is different from my competitors because my business is unique. I take special orders that my customers are interested in, and my competitors don’t fulfill all the special order requests that I do. I focus on local products in my ingredients. I.e. local milk, farm fresh eggs, local beef and chicken, local maple syrup, local produce. I am a big part of the community. I’m not only building my business up, but, I’m supporting others and building their business up as well. I promote multiple businesses daily within my own. I truly believe supporting local is the best way to go. We need to support all the local business that have a family to support and a community to feed. My customers are loyal and genuinely believe I’m doing good for the community.

  • Contact Applicant

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