U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 1:39 am UTC

Shop Peach Tees 32076100532 | Government Grant Application

Shop Peach Tees | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 32076100532

    Location: Hillsboro, TX, United States

    Length of Operation: 1

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Advertising to increase sales for the upcoming holiday season. I need to have enough funds to compete with other companies for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to have a good holiday season and get my company going strong. I would advertise in Facebook, Instagram, and Google. I have $89,000 in sales since I opened in June. Most of this money covers cost of goods and advertising, leaving a very small amount for my family. This holiday could be a great time to become more profitable and increase my customer base. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • Business Plan

    Right now I mostly sell "dog mom" sweatshirts and tees. I design everthing myself and hire a printing company to print and ship my products. I plan to continue to design products reaching for a larger audience. I also plan improve my listings and my advertising. I will use google SEO to bring in organic sales from customers searching for my products. I will also grow my customer base and email list for advertising to returning customers at a much lower cost. I have over ten years in retail management and merchandising. This experience has helped me to under stand customers wants and needs as well as being able to recognize new or growing trends to keep my designs and products relevant. I have had $89,000 in sales since opening in June. Starting a business during this pandemic has been extremely difficult but these sales so early on show great promise for the future of my business.

  • Self Identified Competition These are all small shops that started years before me and have large social media followings. These companies have grown to printing and shipping products themselves and having several employees. Having $89000 in sales for the first 6 months of business shows that my designs are very popular. I have great feedback and reviews on my website. I hire a printing company to print and ship my products for me so there is no limit to my growth. There is more than one printing company that I work with so inventory and staffing will never be a problem. If one warehouse is out of stock, the other has more inventory for fulfilling orders. My designs are greatly loved, more advertising and exposure will help my business grow tremendously.

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