U S G r a n t s . c o m
September 8, 2024, 2:19 am UTC

Kabuki Landscaping llc 263596647 | Government Grant Application

Kabuki Landscaping llc | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 263596647

    Location: Oklahoma city, OK, United States

    Length of Operation: 2 months

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    i will buy equipment to do commercial landscaping, payroll, with the equipment i have i'm limited to hire people, but with the equipment i'm missing i can hire more people and do more jobs,

  • Business Plan

    i will try to get bussiness with the city of Oklahoma City, which i'm already looking into. i opened bid sync and OKC personnel said they will put the jobs there so i can bid and get to work, but i really need more equipment so i can hire more people and get bigger and better jobs, right now with the tragic snow storm that there was in the city me and my employees are helping cleaning up houses and apartment complex, but if i had some financial help i can hire more people and get more jobs and expand my business because i'm dedicated, i work a lot! no job is to big for me i will get it done and i'm investing my all into my business, i want it to succeed very much

  • Self Identified Competition

    as of right now the city has wright landscaping, nelsons landscaping and BTR Tree and lawn service which are major big companies, but like stated before there is plenty of work right now that they will not be able to cover because of the storm. i do a very good job in my area, customer satisfaction guaranteed, i help good people that are struggling with money or can't find a job anywhere else and teach them, so i have very good relationship with my employees and the people coming to me for a job that makes a very comfortable environment and have good communication and very good relationship with my customers

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