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September 8, 2024, 2:01 am UTC

LAS PROPERTIES & REHABBIN’ LLC 35-2689584 | Government Grant Application

LAS PROPERTIES & REHABBIN’ LLC | Application Preview

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 35-2689584

    Location: Kansas City, MO, United States

    Length of Operation: 2

    Number of Employees:

    Annual Gross Income:

    Annual Gross Expense:

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    I plan to finish remodeling the 2 home’s I already purchased, rent them out, purchase a couple more and continue to grow. My plan is to purchase at 8 more then venture to doing something else besides investing in properties.

  • Business Plan

    I plan to grow my business in the next 5 years by getting financial help to get more properties and finish remodeling the 2 I already have. I plan to get a job if I’m ever hired with this COVID going on to help increase my financial income to help me with my goal of getting my 2 homes complete, buying materials and renting them out! I would like to have all 10 rented out within the upcoming years so that I can venture into another one of my business goals that I have on my list. I think investors should invest in me bc I’ve already purchased homes on own, I’m a hard worker and so far I have 2 properties that I already invested in and out of the 2, 1 is almost complete from using my own funds that I purchased for only $500. The house needed a complete kitchen and bathroom remodel from ceilings to floor, I purchased new hot water tank, drywall/mud/tape etc for 6 rooms of the house. I replaced partial of the roof that needed to be replace, brand new tub, Toliet, countertops for kitchen, cabinets, refrigerator and stove, a few new windows, 4 doors replaced so far, replaced most of copper plumbing systems and added PVC pipes, changed out rooted wood where it needed to be replaced, all new electrical inside and out & on the exterior part of the house I fixed the soffits and eaves to give the home a more presentable look so far! What I’m doing is important bc I want to purchase more properties to rebuild my community with beautiful remodeled homes at affordable rent for low income individuals or families. Eventually give back to the community and show people that young single women can be entrepreneurs also. I will use the money to buy more homes, the supplies & tools needed to remodel the properties & to pay people for the work that I can not do myself. I plan to get 10 properties altogether and venture into something else. $100,000 will cover the individuals that I will have to pay to do the work, buy additional tools and supplies for the homes, just in case anything out of the ordinary was to happen and the money will add more financial support for me to continue to do what I have started on my own

  • Self Identified Competition

    As a small business woman I don’t have any competitions. I have people that I’m close to and that are apart of my life that I admire what they do. Marcus Williams is a friend of mines and he has multiple properties that he has invested in with his own money that I look up too and follow in his foot steps with how he has purchased homes, remodeled them, advertised the homes himself and rented them to tenants that were approved. I get inspired by Chip and Jo Anna from the show Fixer Upper that started young and became who they are today. I’m self motivated, without a team of workers, I don’t have $500,000 or more status on my own, nothing mentally is wrong with myself so I’m physically able to get the job done! I feel like the only competition I have with other people is that I don’t have the resources to do and that’s why I’m looking for additional help so I can become successful like other investors and real estate moguls.

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