PrimeTimePerformanceLLC | Application Preview
General Information
Business Registration Number: 82-3334695
Location: New Orleans, LA, United States
Length of Operation: 3 years
Number of Employees:
Annual Gross Income:
Annual Gross Expense:
Open to Loans: YES
Funding Usage
The vision for the entity is to open a state of the art facility and recreational sports plex in order to not only provide services for clients but to offer the city a safe place to host events. Moreover, until that vision is met, the entity is requesting funding to secure a building in order to open up and provide the desired amenities for clients.
Business Plan
In order to grow over the next 5 years, the enitiy plans to collaborate with other businesses, host annual camps, engage in online amenities to reach out of state clients and create merchandise that will all together promote to entity. Moreover, within the next 5 years, the founder of the entity will be able to provide instruction for trainers to be able to obtain legal certifications to expand the entities clientelle. Investors are invited and encouraged to invest in this entity as this entity has a clear vision for the future that is obtainable. The world as we know has taken a spin and as we look to stablize our nation, the need for recreation, health and fitness will be needed. Moreover, this entity also focuses on the health concerns of the people within country as well as the education and knowledge of health and fitness in means of providing a way for future clients to receive the proper education and certification to be able to branch out and expand the entity.
Self Identified Competition
This entity was not originated to compete with other entities but to stand out as an entity that serves the needs of clients. However, in the area of fitness, I forsee that there will potential competitors such as other nationwide gym like Gold Gym, Planet Fitness or Anytime Fitness. To add, these are all surface level organiztions that offer the basic amenities in which my business will offer the similiar while going deeper than a surface level as we will have more to offer clients according to thier needs. The difference between this entity and its competitors is that fact that this entity will offer amenities on a deeper level expanding beyond the physical need of amenties to being able to offer clients an chance to recieve an educational background/ certification in multiple areas of fitness.
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