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March 13, 2025, 5:11 pm UTC

ANONYMOUS BULLY CARTEL 802713896 | Government Grant Application

ANONYMOUS BULLY CARTEL | Application Preview


The grant application from Anonymous Bully Cartel outlines a request for funding to cover various expenses related to their dog breeding and training business. The funding will be used for veterinary bills, supplies like cages and food, dog medicine, travel for competitions, and materials for breeding and care. The plan includes participating in four competitions a year and investing in advertising and networking to expand their presence on social media and in the dog community.

The applicant argues that investing in their business is worthwhile, given their commitment to providing high-quality breeding and care for dogs. They emphasize the positive impact dogs can have on families and the community, asserting that their operation is rooted in genuine care rather than profit alone. They express confidence in their ability to grow the business and repay the investment while contributing to the local dog community.

In discussing competition, they highlight their competitors but assert that their focus on quality service and client relationships sets them apart. Their commitment to maintaining a clean and healthy environment for the dogs is featured as a key point of differentiation. The applicant conveys passion and dedication to the business and the potential for positive change in the lives of families through their dogs.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 802713896

    Location: Warren, MI, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: YES

  • Funding Usage

    Dog expenses Vet bills are getting costly I have 3 dogs now Dog supplies (cages, toys, kennels, dog food etc) Dog medicine Competition funding 4x a year Gas for traveling Dog hygiene cleanup Business contracts, puppy contracts Semen boxes for dog semen shipping Artificial inseminations supplies very cheap Whelping boxes for upcoming litters Puppy supplies, whelping supplies , blankets, puppy pads, post surgery supplies.

  • Business Plan

    Growing faster on social media and word of mouth on Facebook , advertising with some of the best brands for commercials, traveling to NATIONAL COMPETITIONS (I compete in dog shows) 3 (3rd) place wins at bigger competitions. Networking with some of the best breeders and try to connect with celebrities and grow into a proper dog organization for families. Demetrius is a business man ....a investment into anonymous bully cartel is the right move. Your investing into someone who's going to take that money and double it and get my overhead expenses paid and make some great puppies , the dog world is changing everyday and Michigan is the head of the march , anonymous bully cartel plans to keep this business as prosperous as possible. Making things happen for my community , the dog community , families is what anonymous bully cartel is all about. You're investing in a very intelligent deity! A humble man with a lot of heart to give ...dogs are very expensive and can change a lot of people lives in a good way and they add a new family.memeber to the home. Anonymous bully cartel means business and will stand on it every time and twice on Sunday.

  • Self Identified Competition

    90s made bullies Country boy kennels Flintstone bully campline My competitors are in this dog game for the money , some humans are here just to get as much as they can from any and everyone. You will run into a lot of that in this dog organization. Anonymous bully cartel has the good business behind it with proof and repeat clients. Repeat clients that I ensure you are great people and live what they see when they come to our dog camp. We have our dogs in high standards, no dog poop laying around or dog pee everywhere , the entire yard is clean for client satisfaction and sanitary reasons. Michigan dog community is behind anonymous bully cartel all the way, my dogs are adored by the community and they understand the passion I have for these dogs ...I have 3 dogs 2 males and a female and they are in the healthiest stage the can be.

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