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March 14, 2025, 9:01 am UTC

Whitton’s Creations 87-2815652 | Government Grant Application

Whitton’s Creations | Application Preview


Whitton's Creations is seeking government grants to support the expansion of their small business. The funding will be allocated towards purchasing equipment to enhance production efficiency, increasing inventory, hosting and attending events, and boosting their online presence. Additionally, it will help cover expenses related to possibly launching a physical store.

The business plan outlines ambitions for the next five years, including hiring an additional employee to delegate tasks, adding new products, and expanding sales channels. Strategies include participating in more markets, placing products in other stores, and possibly establishing a brick-and-mortar location. Marketing efforts are highlighted as essential for reaching customers across various states.

Whitton’s Creations originated as a hobby for the owner, a full-time 911 dispatcher, who found joy in creating items for customers. They wish to transition from investing countless hours into simply maintaining the business to focusing on its growth and profitability.

Despite facing stiff competition in vendor shows, markets, and online platforms, the owner believes their competitive edge lies in being a woman-owned business. This unique perspective allows them to manage all aspects of the business and strive for a successful future where they can potentially reduce their work hours while pursuing their entrepreneurial endeavors.

  • General Information

    Business Registration Number: 87-2815652

    Location: Moline, IL, United States

    Length of Operation: 1-5

    Number of Employees: 1-10 Employees

    Annual Gross Income: Less than $100k

    Annual Gross Expense: Less than $100k

    Open to Loans: NO

  • Funding Usage

    This funding will be used to further build and expand the business. There are some equipment that could be purchased to help streamline production and add more items to our inventory. This would also be used towards being able to attend and host more events, grow our online presence, as well as possible put products into a brick and motor store. I would use this to help with expenses listed previously as well.

  • Business Plan

    Over the next five years, I would like to be able to bring on another person and be able to pay them so that I can delegate some of the work needing done. I would also like to add new and improved items to our inventory as well as sell items in a wider array of ways. Being able to attend more markets, have items in more stores, or even have my own brick and motor store would be amazing. Grants would help be able to make the changes and decisions needed to continue to expand and grow as a small business owner and get our products to reach further via social media. Marketing is a large part of online shopping, and additional funding would help be able to reach customers in so many new states and areas. This small business started as a hobby for me. I am a 911 dispatcher full time, and I was looking for something that I could do to unwind at the end of the day and during my time off. What started so small became something so important to me. Much like the positives that come out of being a dispatcher, this business brings me so much joy. I love to see customers love and enjoy items that I have made and want to share them. I thoroughly enjoy the work that I do out of my home, and I would love to be able to make this business more profitable. Up to this point, I have been putting in countless hours to try and get everything off the ground and running, and now I want to be able to spend that time helping it grow to it's fullest potential.

  • Self Identified Competition

    I think my top competitors are everywhere. I see them weekly at vendor shows and markets as well as online. What sets me apart from some of my competitors is that I am a woman owned and operated business. I am the CEO, the laborer, the seller, the marketer and the janitor. I work most days sun up to sun down between my small business and my full time job. I would love nothing more than to be able to be my own boss and have a successful enough business that I can afford to work half of what I do now.

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